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Different types of equality in F*

Catalin Hritcu edited this page Mar 26, 2020 · 12 revisions


F* has 3 different types of equality:

val (=)  : #a:Type{hasEq a} -> a -> a -> Tot bool
val (==) : #a:Type -> a -> a -> Tot Type0
val (===): #a:Type -> #b:Type -> a -> b -> Tot Type0

Here is what each of them means:

  • = is boolean equality that is automatically generated by F* for many types with decidable equality; such types satisfy the hasEq predicate. By default every inductive datatype and records have decidable equality generated by F* unless the noeq qualifier has been explicitly set. The standard library also defines the useful alias eqtype as a:Type{hasEq a}.
  • == is homogeneous propositional equality, and is defined for all F* types, even the ones without hasEq (== is defined in prims.fst as a squashed inductive and further documented here)
  • === is heterogeneous propositional equality; this more exotic equality is sometimes called "John Major equality" (=== is defined in prims.fst as a squashed inductive)


Corresponding to the equalities, there are also the corresponding disequalities :

  • x <> y is equivalent to not (x = y) (the decidable boolean valued disequality)
  • x =!= y is equivalent to ~(x == y) (the logical, homogeneous disequality)
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