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Notes on optimizations for type inference and memoization

Aseem Rastogi edited this page Dec 12, 2018 · 3 revisions

Notes from a discussion with Leo about type inference and memoization of type-checking

  1. An efficient, optimistic type-checker

When computing a solution to a meta-variable (G |- ?m : t) := e, Lean 3 uses a fast check to ensure that e has type t in context G.

In Lean, this fast check is called infer_type with the property that if infer_type G e = t then if e is well-typed, then it has type t in context G.

For example, this means that if

e = f e1 .. en


f : (x1:t1) -> ... -> (xn:tn) -> t

then infer_type G e returns t [e1..en/x1..xn] after only inferring the type of f and not inspecting any of the arguments e1 .. en.

This relies on a meta-property of the unification algorithm, which is that any assignment to a meta-variable computed by the unification algorithm is well-typed in the environment of the meta-variable---what needs to be checked is that it is well-typed at the expected type of the meta-variable and infer_type efficiently computes a type which can then be compared to the expected type for definitional equality.

Some examples from F*:


     t : int -> Type
     f : #x:nat -> t x -> Type
     z : t -1
     f #?u z

In this context, we would solve ?u := -1 and infer_type _ -1 returns int since - : int -> int.

So, the fast check fails (rightfully) and one can fall back on the current slow path, which should also rightfully fail.


     t : int -> Type
     f : #x:nat -> t x -> Type
     y : int
     z : t y
     if (y >= 0) then f #?u z

In this context, (?u := y) and infer_type _ y returns int since y : int.

So, the fast check fails and one can fall back on the current slow path, which, this time, would succeed, correctly.

c. Consider applying a split tactic to a goal of the form (a /\ b) /\ (c /\ d) where a, b, c, d are large terms and split: #p:Type -> #q:Type -> p -> q -> p /\ q. This time, we have ?p := (a /\ b) and ?q = (c /\ d) and infer_type _ (a /\ b) quickly returns Type just from the type of /\, independently of a and b. Likewise for (c /\ d).

  1. Memoization of type-checking

The optimization above is not applicable in the Lean kernel, since meta-variables do not even appear in the kernel.

Consider again a goal of the form (a /\ b) /\ (c /\ d) for large terms a, b, c, d.

And consider splitting the goal twice producing a proof term of the form

split #(a /\ b) #(c /\ d) (split #a #b pf_a pf_b) (split #c #d pf_c pf_d)

 where `split: #p:Type -> #q:Type -> p -> q -> p /\ q`

Checking the proof term above using F*'s naive strategy is very inefficient, since it requires type-checking the large term a multiple times.

The Lean kernel memoizes the type-checking of terms but using a locally nameless representation of terms (like F*) where every name in a term is accompanied by its type (i.e., the sort field of a bv). This means that terms can be type-checked independently of their environment.

Note, this only works for terms that are known to be well-scoped to begin with. So, when type-checking a term e in a context G, the free variables of e (which are memoized in the representation of e, as in F*) are checked to make sure they are included in G and then e is type-checked independently of G, with memoization.

See this page for more discussions on memoization.

  1. Representation of meta-variables used in unification

In F* currently (as in Lean 2) a meta-variable introduced in context is introduced at a pi-type. i.e., in a context G, a meta-variable ?m is introduced at type G -> t and, typically, we generate a unification problem of the form

(?m : G -> t) (x0 : t0) ... (xn : tn) =?= e

This is representation, although very general, has many downsides:

  1. It is very redundant. The entire context G is replicated in the (x0:t0) .. (xn:tn) and, worse, occurrences of other meta-variables of a similar shape in ti lead to a combinatorial blowup.

  2. Even a simple solution for ?m produces a large lambda term, which must be checked.

  3. Checking for various common special cases, e.g., checking to see if (?m : G -> t) (x0 : t0) ... (xn : tn) is a pattern involves a quadratic check of the xi to check for no duplicates.

Instead, in Lean 3, a meta-variable introduced in a context has the form G |- ?m : t, i.e., a meta-variable introduced in context G at type t.

a. This avoids redundancy, since the context G is shared as usual and no additional occurrences of the bindings in G are produced.

b. Simple solutions for ?m do not introduce large lambda terms.

c. A meta-variable in the form G |- ?m : t is always a pattern, no check required.

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