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Tomer Libal edited this page Mar 29, 2017 · 6 revisions

2-phase type-checker

Overview of existing methods

TODO (tl): review approaches by

  • Matthieu Sozeau (Coq - new unification algorithm - including type classes),
  • Claudio Sacerdoti Coen (ELPI's implementation of part of Matita),
  • Francesco Mazzoli and Andreas Abel about type checking as a unification problem,
  • Nanevski's contextual modal type theory (different syntax for dependent types and its type inference),
  • etc.

FStar versus Coq/Matita

The POPL2017 paper DM4F proves correctness of the core calculus EMF* (Explicitly Monadic F* ) by embedding it into Coq. The main lacking point of this formalization wrt the actual F* implementation seems to be fixpoints and recursion (KM : at least that's my understanding of the situation as 01/2017). The elaboration and type inference from actual F* to EMF* seem to have been treated in the POPL2016 paper Multi-monadic effects. Building up on recent papers on Coq plugin system and syntactic models, it might be possible to have an elaboration of "full" F* to Coq using something like the topos of tree to account for recursion (KM : the main problems that I foresee is the difference about universes : Coq has a predicative Prop universe and cumulativity whereas F* has only predicative universes - and prop is not (syntactically at least) a universe - without cumulativity ). In particular the parametric syntactic model of then weaning translation has quite some similarity with the elaborations of DM4F.

TODO (tl): understand the differences between the type systems

Define several alternatives for implementing the algorithm

TODO (tl): define several approaches for the problem, do we want:

    1. a specification on paper
    1. reference implementation (i.e. lambda-prolog/elpi)
    1. specify the code by extensively testing it
    1. refactor existing code only
    1. Elaboration to a more mainstream typechecker (Coq, Agda, ...)

Details of the "Lax Experiments"

Discussion with Aseem (14/2/2017)

  • The Lax mode of the compiler does type inference but does not compute WPs and does not propagate obligations to SMT. Q: I understood form Nik that subtyping is also checked using SMT. Is it planned to test it in the second phase?
  • Aseem has implemented the separation, see commit: Some problems are:
  • Universe instantiation problem: Aseem thinks it is because of State effects. Universes should not play a role in second phase.
  • Qualifiers for let binders are computed in first phase and should be used for second phase. Aseem plans on storing errors and load them for second phase.
  • Some encoding of obligations to SMT done twice when separating phases right now. Only Prims should be encoded in first phase right now.
  • Lax originated as a compiler for FStar since there are no proofs right now. Name originated from Relax?
  • It is a proof of concept right now
  • Once Aseem's approach works on tests, we can try to optimize each phase and simplify the code
  • Files in focus:
  • rel.fs - a change with regard to honoring universe_lax
  • tc.fs - main separation, see commit above

Questions about the above approach

Understanding particular type checking rules

Ongoing documentation

Discussions with Kenji

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