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Matt Farich Personal Log
##12/1/14## Monday Apparently Moes is still alive, so we went there for lunch. Met with Dr Rekleitis and talked about networking and the demo. Fought with the camera node some more.
Tuesday Finally got the camera node to work. Thank God.
##11/24/14## Monday Holy insert obscenities the pi takes forever to compile. The poco library seems to have installed and now catkin is complaining about the opencv library. That's compiling now and is probably going to take 4 hours.
Daniel and John assasinated Moes and we went to Maddios.
Tuesday Opencv finally finished compiling. Still trying to resolve a million catkin/ros dependencies for the raspicam node.
Wednesday Worked on the camera node.
Thursday Worked on the camera node.
Friday Worked on the camera node.
Saturday Worked on the camera node.
Sunday Worked on the camera node.
##11/17/14## Monday Group went to lunch at Moe's. Got batteries and cameras from Dr. Rekleitis. Got gps node reading from gpsd and sending/receiving nav_msgs over a ros topic.
Tuesday Got imu node reading from imu and sending/receiving imu_msgs over a ros topic. Still need to figure out what parts of the imu data go where in the imu message. Pi ran from 3pm to 1am on battery and only dropped from 4/4 bars to 3/4 bars on the battery's display.
Thursday Took the node for a walk to see if it would record reasonable data. Had a fight with ROS because it doesn't have provisions for time in the NavSatFix message and making my own message wasn't going well.
Saturday Got GPS time to update the Pi's system time, then realized it was 4am.
Sunday Worked on getting the poco library installed for the camera node. Still compiling, so I'll check it in the morning.
##11/10/14## Monday Group discussed batteries. Planning to work on ROS stuff tomorrow or Wednesday.
Tuesday Trying to figure out how to get ROS to read from the IMU... things aren't going well.
Friday Group met Dr. Rekleitis. He helped us with ROS.
Saturday Me, John, and Danny went to Silas' house and worked on ROS on the pi.
##11/3/14## Monday John and Danny Ray abandoned us, so me, Zack, and Silas went to lunch and discussed 3d printing of node parts.
Friday Group met with Dr. Rekleitis. Discussed getting ROS setup as well as batteries.
##10/27/14## Monday Group met for lunch at Moes. Talked about stuff.
Tuesday Got SD card with ROS installed on it from Zack. Installed IMU and GPS libraries on top of that, then copied whole SD card for other Pis.
Friday Group met with Dr. Rekleitis. We also gave our presentation to Dr. Matthews.
##10/20/14## Monday Group met for lunch at Moes. Working on architecture thing.
Wednesday Group met Dr. Vidal.
Thursday Worked on getting IMUs working with the Pis.
##10/13/14## Monday I Worked on the proposal presentation.
Friday Group met with Dr. Rekleitis. We got the wires and the sd cards.
##10/6/14## Monday Group met at Moes for lunch and talked about when we can meet to start working on the hardware. I picked up the wifi dongles from Dr. Rekleitis.
Wednesday Group met with Dr. Vidal and talked about our progress. We also talked to Dr. Rekleitis about soldering irons.
Friday Group met with Dr. Rekleitis and talked about functional requirements.
##9/29/14## Monday We met a Moes for lunch and talked more about hardware components.
Tuesday I looked at some of the IMUs and decided we should try the Pololu IMU from the list that Dr. Rekleitis sent us.
Friday Met with Dr. Rekleitis and picked up some of the hardware components from him.
##9/22/14## Monday We discussed different batteries, solar panels, capacitors, and other options that could possibly be used as power sources for the nodes.
Wednesday We met with Dr Vidal and talked about specifics of our project.
Friday We met with Dr. Rekleitis and talked about components for our nodes. He gave us a list of what he thought would be good components to choose from, and also gave us a computer board that we can use for testing. We'll be meeting with him again next Friday to tell him what components we've chose for our initial testing.
Monday Group met at Moe's. Looked at what hardware components we could possibly use.
Thursday We made some sketches of possible designs for the nodes.
Monday We went to Moe's and decided who should fill what roles. I am the editor as well as the optimist, pessimist, analyst.
Tuesday Group met with Dr. Ioannis Rekleitis, our client, to discuss the project.
Friday Group met to come up with the personas.