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Win Lose Screen User Testing

Roy Browning edited this page Sep 2, 2021 · 2 revisions

User Evaluation Session Plan

Session run by: Roy Browning Studio and Game Name: Studio 7 – Retroactive Feature Team Name: Team 5 Location of Testing: Discord Number of Participants: 3


The game so far from discussions with other team so far has the map and character design with map generation basic generation with a game loop so the game can’t last forever. Team 5’s feature is the game loop, where we have created win and loss screens that are triggered currently by simulation but will be incorporated with another feature team (Team 2) who are working on the interactable objects and associated effects of ‘Retroactive.’ In addition, the timer created will also be incorporated with ‘Team 2.’ We chose to user test this feature as it is a major part of the game and is highly visual based, so we want the design to be what people want and the timer is still going through iterations of design choices

Aims & Objectives

What people think of the win/loss screens and whether the chosen loss and win conditions are valid and reasonable. I want to see if the design fits the theme of the game and if the chosen simulation buttons are used correctly for their allocated purposes. Aim Notes Determine if the win and lose screens fit the theme of ‘Retroactive.’ This will give third party perspective on the design and if engages our target audience which is young adults familiar with gaming. Determine whether the chosen win/loss conditions are valid and reasonable This allows both our team and ‘Team 2’ to revaluate the chosen win/loss conditions. If simulation buttons take the user to the user’s intended choice. This will help whether the win/loss conditions are associated with the most relevant screens.


A gameplay testing session will be conducted as this will give the most accurate results for what the user test is trying to test.

Testing Plan

“Determine if the win and lose screens fit the theme of ‘Retroactive.’”

  1. Explain game theme and what the game is about a. This gives context for them to compare to
  2. Show them the game and explain how to play the game a. This will see if they intuitively find the feature created
  3. Ask the tester to simulate a timer loss a. See if they find the correct button and if they have a good reaction to the final screen shown
  4. Ask the tester to simulate a caught loss a. See if they find the correct button and if they have a good reaction to the final screen shown
  5. Ask the tester to simulate a default win a. See if they find the correct button and if they have a good reaction to the final screen shown
  6. Interview tester a. Were the buttons intuitive?
  7. Ask for questions and thank them.

“Determine whether the chosen win/loss conditions are valid and reasonable”

  1. Explain game theme and what the game is about a. This gives context for them to compare to
  2. Show them the game and explain how to play the game a. This will see if they intuitively find the feature created
  3. Tell tester what the win/loss conditions are how they are being implemented a. All the conditions aren’t fully implemented so this gives the best idea
  4. Interview tester a. What do they think of the conditions, do they make sense?
  5. Ask for questions and thank them.

“If simulation buttons take the user to the user’s intended choice.”

  1. Explain game theme and what the game is about a. This gives context for them to compare to
  2. Show them the game and explain how to play the game a. This will see if they intuitively find the feature created
  3. Ask the tester to simulate a timer loss a. See if they find the correct button and if they have a good reaction to the final screen shown
  4. Ask the tester to simulate a caught loss a. See if they find the correct button and if they have a good reaction to the final screen shown
  5. Ask the tester to simulate a default win a. See if they find the correct button and if they have a good reaction to the final screen shown
  6. Interview tester a. Were the buttons intuitive? Ask for questions and thank them.

Evaluation Analysis

Luke Cronin

  • Keep sprites similar to what is discussed in the committee
  • Make sure the text matches main menu
  • Buttons are intuitive enough
  • Make buttons bigger and centred and separate them a bit so no accidentally
  • Press escape to go back to main menu

Larry Bain

  • Make sure fonts and style are consistent
  • Redo the win screen
  • Have two different lose screens

Angus Moore

  • Make the buttons fit the theme more make the colours match and have a similar font
  • Redo win screen and lose screens to make it more polished and consistent for what the rest of the game is going to look like
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