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DemulShooter must be run as an Administrator (or you can disable UAC in Windows)

DemulShooter.exe Command line usage

DemulShooter.exe is a command line based executable :
DemulShooter.exe -target=[target] -rom=[rom] [options]

Supported [target] :

-target= Software
chihiro Cxbx-Reloaded
demul057 Demul 0.57
demul058 Demul 0.582
demul07a Demul 0.7a 180428
dolphin5 Dolphin x64 v5.0
es4 Namco ES4 games
gamewax GameWax games
globalvr Global VR Games
konami KONAMI Arcade
lindbergh TeknoParrot Loader
model2 Model2 Emulator v1.1a
ppmarket P&P Marketing Arcade
rawthrill TeknoParrot Loader
ringedge2 RingEdge 2 Games
ringwide TeknoParrot Loader
ttx Taito Type X Games
windows Windows Games

Supported [rom] :

For Coastal:

-rom= Game
wws Wild West Shootout

For Chihiro:

-rom= Game
vcop3 Virtual Cop 3

For Demul:

-rom= Game
braveff Brave Fire fighters (Demul 0.7a Only)
claychal Sega Clay Challenge (Demul 0.7a only)
confmiss Confidential Mission
deathcox Death Crimson OX (USA)
deathcoxo Death Crimson OX (JAP)
hotd2 House of The Dead II (US)
hotd2o House of The Dead II
hotd2p House of The Dead II (Prototype)
lupinsho Lupin the Third (the shooting)
manicpnc Manic Panic Ghosts (Demul 0.7a only)
mok The Maze of the kings
ninjaslt Ninja Assault (World) (Demul 0.582 and +)
ninjaslta Ninja Assault (Asia) (Demul 0.582 and +)
ninjasltj Ninja Assault (Japan) (Demul 0.582 and +)
ninjasltu Ninja Assault (US) (Demul 0.582 and +)
pokasuka Pokasuka Ghosts (Demul 0.7a only)
rangrmsn Ranger Mission (Demul 0.7a only)
sprtshot Sports Shoting USA
xtrmhunt Extreme Hunting (Demul 0.7a only)
xtrmhnt2 Extreme Hunting 2 (Demul 0.7a only)

For Dolphin:

Parameter not used

For Es4 Games:

-rom= Game
pblankx Point Blank X

For GameWax Games:

-rom= Game
akuma Akuma Mortis Immortal

For Global VR Games:

-rom= Game
aliens Aliens Extermination (2nd dump, x86 and x64, dongle check removed)
farcry Far Cry : Paradise Lost
fearland Fright Fear Land

For KONAMI Arcade:

-rom= Game
hcv Castlevania : The Arcade
le3 Lethal Enforcers 3
wartran Wartran Troopers

For Lindbergh:

-rom= Game
2spicy Too Spicy
gsquad Ghost Squad Evolution
hotd4 House of the dead 4
hotd4sp House of the dead 4 : Special
hotdex House of the dead : Ex
lgj Let's Go Jungle
lgjsp Let's Go Jungle Special
rambo Rambo

For Model2:

-rom= Game
bel Behind Enemy Lines
gunblade Gunblade NY
hotd House of the Dead
rchase2 Railchase 2
vcop Virtua Cop
vcop2 Virtua Cop 2

For P&P Marketing Arcade:

-rom= Game
policetr2 Police Trainer 2

For RawThrill:

-rom= Game
aa Aliens Armageddon
jp Jurassic Park
ttg Target : Terror - Gold
ts Terminator Salvation
wd Walking Dead

For RingEdge 2:

-rom= Game
tsr Transformers : Shadow Rising

For RingWide:

-rom= Game
lgi Let's Go Island : Lost on the Island of Tropics
lgi3D Let's Go Island : Lost on the Island of Tropics 3D
og Operation G.H.O.S.T.
sdr Sega Dream Riders
sgg Sega Golden Gun
tha Transformers : Human Alliance

For Taito Type X Games:

-rom= Game
bkbs Block King Ball Shooter
eapd Elevator Action Death Parade
sha Silent Hill the Arcade
gattack4 Gaia Attack 4
gsoz Gundam : Spirit of Zeon
gsoz2p Gundam : Spirit of Zeon ( DualScreen )
hmuseum Haunted Museum
hmuseum2 Haunted Museum 2
mgungun2 Music Gun Gun! 2

Windows Games :

-rom= Game
ads Alien Disco Safari
artdead Art Is Dead
bugbust Bug Busters
friction Friction
hfa Heavy Fire Afghanistan
hfa2p Heavy Fire Afghanistan (Dual Player)
hfss Heavy Fire Shattered Spear
hfss2p Heavy Fire Shattered Spear (Dual Player)
hod2pc House of The Dead II
hod3pc House of The Dead III
hodo House of The Dead : Overkill
reload Reload

Supported [options] :

option description
-UseSingleMouse Enable the use of a regular mouse (no lightgun)
-pname= DemulShooter will look for a specific process name for each game, this is hardcoded based on the available dump it has been developped with. If your exe file has been renamed, use this option to specifiy the p rocess name Demulshooter has to hook to. Example : -pname=Game_1080p.exe if you renamed Game.exe to Game_1080p.exe
-profile= Use this command to specify a config file for DemulShooter to load, other than the default config.ini. Accepted parameters are relative path (-profile="Gun4IR_Guncon.ini") or absolute full path (-profile="D:/Inis.Gun4IR_Namco.ini")
-ddinumber Dolphin's DirectInput number for P2 device (optional, default = 2)
-ipcinputs Enable Inter Process Communication with DemulShooter to read gun data from another program
-noautofire Disable ingame auto-fire (Sega Golden Gun only)
-nocrosshair Hide in-game crosshair (for “Reload” on windows and "Rambo" on Lindbergh)
-noinput Disable input hacks on game (used to play games natively but with DemulShooters outputs)
-noresize Fix demul bug (exiting fullscreen when shooting upper left corner). This will block all mouse inputs to Demul GUI (menus, etc...)
-widescreen Demul widescreen hack, works for some games.
-v Verbose ON (debug information written to a text file)

Exemple :

DemulShooter.exe -target=demul07a -rom=confmiss -noresize -widescreen -v

Once executed, a notification icon will be shown in the systray.
DemulShooter will shut itself down as soon as the target process is closed.

Display Help :

DemulShooter.exe -h

DemulShooterX64.exe Command line usage

DemulShooterX64.exe is a command line based executable :
DemulShooterX64.exe -target=[target] -rom=[rom] [options]

Supported [target] :

-target= Software
aagames Adrenalime Amusements
alls SEGA Amusement Linkage Live System
es3 Namco ES3 System
flycast Flycast v2.0
rpcs3 System 357 (rpcs3-gun v0.0.27)
seganu Sega Nu
unis UNIS Technology
windows Windows games

Supported [rom] :

For Adrenaline Amusements:

-rom= Game
drk Drakon : Realm Keepers
rha Rabbids Hollywood Arcade
tra Tomb Raider Arcade

For SEGA Amusement Linkage Live System:

-rom= Game
hodsd House of the Dead : Scarlet Dawn

For Namco ES3:

-rom= Game
tc5 Time Crisis 5

For Flycast v2.0:

-rom= Game
confmiss Confidential Mission
deathcox Death Crimson OX
hotd2 House of The Dead II (US)
hotd2o House of The Dead II
hotd2p House of The Dead II (Prototype)
lupinsho Lupin the Third (the shooting)
mok The Maze of the kings
ninjaslt Ninja Assault (World)
ninjaslta Ninja Assault (Asia)
ninjasltj Ninja Assault (Japan)
ninjasltu Ninja Assault (US)

For RPCS3:

-rom= Game
de4d Dark Escape 4D
deadstorm Deadstorm Pirates : Special Edition
sailorz Sailor Zombies

For Sega Nu:

-rom= Game
lma Luigi Mansion Arcade


-rom= Game
eai Elevator Action Invasion
nha Night Hunter Arcade
racramp Raccoon Rampage

For Windows:

-rom= Game
dcop DCOP
opwolfr Operation Wolf Returns
hotdra House of the Dead : Remake (Arcade Plugin)

Supported [options] :

option description
-UseSingleMouse Enable the use of a regular mouse (no lightgun)
-pname= DemulShooterX64 will look for a specific process name for each game, this is hardcoded based on the available dump it has been developped with. If your exe file has been renamed, use this option to specifiy the p rocess name Demulshooter has to hook to. Example : -pname=Game_1080p.exe if you renamed Game.exe to Game_1080p.exe
-profile= Use this command to specify a config file for DemulShooterX64 to load, other than the default config.ini. Accepted parameters are relative path (-profile="Gun4IR_Guncon.ini") or absolute full path (-profile="D:/Inis.Gun4IR_Namco.ini")
-ipcinputs Enable Inter Process Communication with DemulShooterX64 to read gun data from another program
-noinput Disable input hacks on game (used to play games natively but with DemulShooters outputs)
-nocrosshair Hide in-game crosshair (Only for Unity-based Games)
-v Verbose ON (debug information written to a text file)

Exemple :

DemulShooterX64.exe -target=seganu -rom=lma -v

Once executed, a notification icon will be shown in the systray.
DemulShooterX64 will shut itself down as soon as the target process is closed.

Display Help :

DemulShooterX64.exe -h

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