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Bernd Hufmann edited this page Feb 15, 2024 · 2 revisions


Latency analysis enhancements

Local latency statistics

The Latency statistics view now will display the local statistics for a selection range in the trace. This is applicable to the Latency statistics view created by the data-driven pattern analysis or in Java like the System Call analysis.


Custom parser extra fields

The custom parser text and XML wizard now allows the user to define per-event extra fields whose field name are dynamically extracted from the trace event data.

Image:CustomExtraFields1.png Image:CustomExtraFields2.png

Trace import

A new compression library is used allowing the user to import new archive formats and providing better handling of archives, for example ignoring pax headers in tar files.

Segment store enhancements

The segment store internal data structure now supports lazy loading to improve its efficiency. The table data and statistics can be exported to TSV format.


Flame Graph view

Double-clicking on the Flame Graph view now zooms to the selected flame graph event.

General enhancements



Bugs fixed in the 2.2.0 release

See Bugzilla report Bugs Fixed in Trace Compass 2.2.0

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