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Bernd Hufmann edited this page Feb 14, 2024 · 1 revision



  • Remove Y axis gridline from XY charts
  • o.e.t.tmf.ui.widgets.timegraph.model.ITimeEventStyleStrings
  • o.e.t.tmf.core.dataprovider.DataProviderManager.getDataProvider
  • o.e.t.tmf.core.model.xy.ISeriesModel.DisplayType.AREA
  • o.e.t.tmf.core.viewmodel.IYSeries
  • o.e.t.tmf.core.viewmodel.YSeries
  • o.e.t.tmf.core.model.TmfCommonXAxisModel.getXValues()
  • o.e.t.tmf.core.model.xy.ITmfCommonXAxisModel.getXValues()
  • o.e.t.tmf.core.model.TmfCommonXAxisModel.hasCommonXAxis()
  • o.e.t.tmf.core.model.TmfXyModel.hasCommonXAxis()
  • o.e.t.tmf.core.model.xy.ITmfXyModel.hasCommonXAxis()
  • o.e.t.tmf.core.presentation.IYAppearance
  • o.e.t.tmf.core.viewmodel.ICommonXAxisModel
  • o.e.t.analysis.profiling.ui.views.flamechart.CallStackPresentationProvider
  • o.e.t.tmf.core.model.timegraph.IMetadataStrings
  • o.e.t.tmf.core.model.timegraph.IPropertyCollection
  • o.e.t.tmf.core.model.timegraph.IFilterProperty
  • o.e.t.tmf.core.model.timegraph.IElementResolver
  • o.e.t.internal.tmf.core.presentation.YAppearance


  • pcap.core: Add getRemaining
  • tmf.core: Add tracepoint for size of request
  • Tmf: Add API to auto-detect experiment type and instantiate experiment
  • callstack: Add the doc.user files from Incubator's
  • callstack: Add Descriptive Stats under new analysis
  • callstack: Add incubated FlameChartDataProviderTest
  • callstack: Add incubated CallGraph-related tests
  • callstack: Add incubated LTTngUstCallStack tests
  • callstack: Add initial test classes from Incubator
  • callstack: Slightly refactor getDependentAnalyses
  • callstack: Init ui folders for FlameChartView next
  • callstack: Move these to callstack.core.callgraph
  • callstack: Move these to callstack.core.instrumented
  • callstack: Move these to new callstack.core.model
  • callstack: Move these to new callstack.core.base
  • callstack: Bring CallGraphAnalysis from Incubator
  • callstack: Bring incubated ICallGraphProvider in
  • callstack: Bring incubated CallGraph, internal 1st
  • analysis: Initialize a new 'callstack' plugin core
  • tmf: Add unit test for DataTypeUtils.toRangeString(long, long)
  • Uplift to SWTChart 0.14
  • Multi stage Dockerfile to build Trace Compass
  • o.e.t.i.a.callstack.ui.weightedtree.WeightedTreeView
  • o.e.t.i.a.callstack.ui.functiondensity.FunctionDensityView
  • o.e.t.i.a.callstack.ui.flamegraph.FlameGraphView
  • o.e.t.i.a.callstack.ui.flamegraph.FlameGraphSelView
  • o.e.t.i.a.callstack.core.flamegraph.FlameGraphDataProviderFactory
  • o.e.t.i.a.callstack.core.LttngUstCallStackAnalysis
  • o.e.t.i.a.callstack.core.instrumented.FlameChartDataProviderFactory
  • o.e.t.i.a.callstack.ui.FlameChartView
  • min/max TIME_RANGE column to segment store stats data provider
  • DataType to ITableColumnDescriptor interface
  • TIME_RANGE to the DataType enum for data providers


  • Have an artifact proving when the supplementary files are cleaned
  • Have safe exits to avoid throwing exception in PCAP constructors


  • callstack: Move CallStack* types to core.callstack
  • statesystem.core: Clarify querySingleState documentation
  • linux.core: make ThreadStatusDataProvider generic
  • Fix spurious trace autodetect for single files
  • Accept Integer keys as string in Regex Multimap parameters
  • Java version from 1.8 to 11 across, current Eclipse's minimum.


  • tmf: Use fixed locale for tests
  • graph.core: add comment to empty method
  • callstack: Fix SonarCloud printStackTrace issue
  • tmf: Fix DataProviderManager formatting in Eclipse
  • Bug 581856: Undeprecate {I}TmfCommonXAxisModel.getYSeriesData
  • TMF: Fix unsafe expanding of archive file
  • tmf: Fix some SonarLint issues in TimeGraphControl
  • tmf: Fix default Eclipse formatting for these two
  • tmf: Fix warning in o.e.t.i.tmf.core.model.filters
  • tmf: Fix missing final sonarlint in TimeGraphEntry
  • tmf: Fix non-externalized string warning in AbstractSelectTreeViewer2
  • tmf: Fix a few SonarLint issues in TmfExperiment
  • tmf: Fix default Eclipse formatting in these (few)
  • analysis,tmf: Fix some redundant null annotations
  • Ust: Fix SonarCloud Regex HotSpots flag
  • callstack: Fix CompositeHostModel exit de-register
  • Datastore: Disable Sonar directory hotSpots
  • Common: Disable Sonar logger HotSpots
  • README files: Fix the markdownlint IDE warnings
  • callstack: Fix nullness annotation warnings across
  • callstack: Fix the "i.e." abbreviation syntax used
  • RhinoScriptEngine: Remove redundant // for NOSONAR
  • Ust: Fixed SonarCloud Regex HotSpots flag
  • Tmf: Fix insecure configuration advice by SonarCloud
  • tmf: Bug 581427: handle BIG_BANG/BIG_CRUNCH in TmfTimestamp#getDelta
  • Bug 581925: Remove unused baseline targets in master branch
  • Bug 581924: Update older targets for archived CDT update sites
  • Bug 581923: Drop support for targets older than e4.20
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