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Changing Keyboard Shortcuts

Josh Berry edited this page Feb 12, 2022 · 1 revision


You want to change the keyboard shortcuts used by Tab Stash.


Firefox itself offers this ability, but it's hard to find.

  1. Open a new tab and go to about:addons.

  2. Click the gear icon to the right of "Manage Your Extensions", and choose "Manage Extension Shortcuts".

    Extension management menu
  3. Scroll down to the "Tab Stash" section and change the shortcuts as desired.


The shortcuts themselves are tied to the sidebar, address-bar and toolbar buttons. Here's what each shortcut does in more detail:

  • Activate toolbar button - Performs whatever action is configured for the toolbar button (by default, stash all tabs and show the sidebar). This action can be configured in Tab Stash's settings.
  • Toggle the sidebar - Shows or hides the Tab Stash sidebar, or if the sidebar is already open, switches to the Tab Stash pane.
  • Activate page action - Stashes the current tab (just like clicking on the icon in the address bar).