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Known Incompatibilities with Other Extensions

Josh Berry edited this page Oct 29, 2023 · 11 revisions

The following is a list of add-ons that are known not to work well with Tab Stash. If you have one of these add-ons installed and are experiencing any of the difficulties described below, you can check the linked GitHub issue for more information.

In General: Any Extension That Auto-Sorts Bookmarks [issue #417]

If you have multiple extensions installed that try to automatically sort or move bookmarks, these conflicting updates can cause your bookmarks database to get into a bad state.

This can cause problems for Tab Stash in several ways. For example, Tab Stash may fail to load, or drag-and-drop of stashed tabs may put the dropped tabs in the wrong place.

Multi-Account Containers [issue #385]

Duplicate tabs may be created by Multi-Account containers when "Always Open Site in Container" is enabled for sites saved in Tab Stash. This is unfortunately an issue in MAC and possibly Firefox itself.

附加组件管理器 [issue #51]

This add-on is installed by default with the Chinese-language version of Firefox. When installed, the add-on causes a drag-and-drop of any link to open the link.

In Tab Stash, when dragging a tab between stashes, you may notice the tab opens in the background unexpectedly. This only happens in the Tab Stash tab UI. The suggested workaround is to use Tab Stash's sidebar UI instead (where the drag-and-drop behavior does not take effect).

Unfortunately, a fix for this in Tab Stash is not possible because the add-on uses privileged Firefox APIs to perform this drag-and-drop behavior, and Tab Stash has no ability to override it.

Any tabs added to Tab Stash will appear and then immediately disappear.

This happens because the Default Bookmark Folder extension is listening for bookmark creation events, and then moving bookmarks from the folder where they were created into the destination folder (which is usually not a Tab Stash folder). Since Tab Stash saves all tabs as bookmarks, bookmarks created by Tab Stash will get moved as well, causing them to disappear.

Multi-Account Containers, Facebook Container, etc. [issue #91; fixed in 2.7]

This only applies to releases of Tab Stash prior to 2.7. Most users are on a newer release at this point.

When Multi-Account Containers, Facebook Container, or similar extensions are installed, Tab Stash's "Import" and "Fetch Missing Icons" features may appear to open lots of background tabs and then freeze. This problem only occurs when trying to import a site that is configured to "always open" in a particular container.

The issue occurs because container extensions typically try to "pin" sites to particular containers by listening for navigation events, and whenever a tab tries to navigate to such a "pinned" site, the extension will immediately close the tab and open a new one in the correct container. This causes Tab Stash to lose track of the tab it was using to fetch website information during an import.

A fix will be available in Tab Stash 2.7 and newer releases. For older releases, the workaround is to temporarily disable Multi-Account Containers, Facebook Container, and similar extensions when importing new tabs into Tab Stash.