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Mahrud Sayrafi edited this page Mar 12, 2021 · 1 revision

title: Spectral Sequences permalink: wiki/Spectral_Sequences/ layout: wiki

General Goal

Implement the data types and methods for creating and manipulating the spectral sequences arising from a filtered chain complex.

Specific Goals

Implemented the following data types:

  1. FilteredComplex
  2. SpectralSequence
  3. SpectralSequenceSheet

Implemented the following methods:

  1. truncate(ZZ, ChainComplex) := ChainComplex
  2. Hom(ChainComplex, ChainComplex) := ChainComplex
  3. FilteredComplex ^ ZZ := ChainComplex
  4. filteredComplex List := FilteredComplex (given a list of chain complex maps)
  5. filteredComplex ChainComplex := FilteredComplex (needs an option to cover various cases?)
  6. Hom(FilteredComplex, ChainComplex) := FilteredComplex
  7. Hom(ChainComplex, FilteredComplex) := FilteredComplex
  8. FilteredComplex ** ChainComplex := FilteredComplex
  9. ChainComplex ** FilteredComplex := FilteredComplex
  10. spectralSequence FilteredComplex := SpectralSequence
  11. SpectralSequence _ ZZ := SpectralSequenceSheet
  12. SpectralSequence _ * := SpectralSequenceSheet
  13. support SpectralSequenceSheet := something like BettiTally ? (which modules are nonzero)
  14. minimalPresentation SpectralSequenceSheet := SpectralSequenceSheet

Required changes:

  1. need chainComplex(SpectralSequenceSheet, List) := ChainComplex -- What do you mean here? What is the purpose of this function? - Thanh
  2. need an isWellDefined command that checks to make sure the ChainComplexMaps are well-defined -- Implemented - Thanh
  3. need SpectralSequenceSheet . dd := ChainComplexMap
  4. need to make the output/net look better
  5. want both cohomological and homological spectral sequences
  6. convert SpectralSequenceSheets into a type of ChainComplex
  7. can we get the associated long exact sequences in special cases
  8. when Hom(Matrix, Module) is implemented for non - free modules --- I implemented already - Thanh
  9. need to add tests

Examples wanted:

  1. change of ring spectral sequences for Tor -- Have it already
  2. change of ring spectral sequences for Ext -- can we without injectives?
  3. spectral sequence relating local and global Ext
  4. simplicial complex filtered by its skeleton
  5. Serre spectral sequence for the Hopf filtration

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