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Will Pearson edited this page Aug 12, 2016 · 2 revisions

RTree Constructor

Initializes a new, empty instance of the tree.

Namespace: Rhino.Geometry
Assembly: RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll) Version: Rhino 6.0



public RTree()


Public Sub New



Imports Rhino
Imports Rhino.Geometry

Namespace examples_vb
  <System.Runtime.InteropServices.Guid("B89D4A42-A712-4FA4-9ABF-6BE1FB962D24")> _
  Public Class RTreeClosestPoint
    Inherits Rhino.Commands.Command
    Public Overrides ReadOnly Property EnglishName() As String
        Return "vb_RtreeClosestPoint"
      End Get
    End Property

    Private Sub SearchCallback(sender As Object, e As RTreeEventArgs)
      Dim data As SearchData = TryCast(e.Tag, SearchData)
      data.HitCount = data.HitCount + 1
      Dim vertex As Point3f = data.Mesh.Vertices(e.Id)
      Dim distance As Double = data.Point.DistanceTo(vertex)
      If data.Index = -1 OrElse data.Distance > distance Then
        ' shrink the sphere to help improve the test
        e.SearchSphere = New Sphere(data.Point, distance)
        data.Index = e.Id
        data.Distance = distance
      End If
    End Sub

    Private Class SearchData
      Public Sub New(mesh__1 As Mesh, point__2 As Point3d)
        Point = point__2
        Mesh = mesh__1
        HitCount = 0
        Index = -1
        Distance = 0
      End Sub

      Public Property HitCount As Integer
      Public Property Point As Point3d
      Public Property Mesh As Mesh
      Public Property Index As Integer
      Public Property Distance As Double
    End Class

    Protected Overrides Function RunCommand(doc As RhinoDoc, mode As Rhino.Commands.RunMode) As Rhino.Commands.Result
      Dim objref As Rhino.DocObjects.ObjRef = Nothing
      Dim rc = Rhino.Input.RhinoGet.GetOneObject("select mesh", False, Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Mesh, objref)
      If rc <> Rhino.Commands.Result.Success Then
        Return rc
      End If

      Dim mesh As Mesh = objref.Mesh()

      Using tree As New RTree()
        For i As Integer = 0 To mesh.Vertices.Count - 1
          ' we can make a C++ function that just builds an rtree from the
          ' vertices in one quick shot, but for now...
          tree.Insert(mesh.Vertices(i), i)

        Dim point As Point3d
        While True
          rc = Rhino.Input.RhinoGet.GetPoint("test point", False, point)
          If rc <> Rhino.Commands.Result.Success Then
            Exit While
          End If

          Dim data As New SearchData(mesh, point)
          ' Use the first vertex in the mesh to define a start sphere
          Dim distance As Double = point.DistanceTo(mesh.Vertices(0))
          Dim sphere As New Sphere(point, distance * 1.1)
          If tree.Search(sphere, AddressOf SearchCallback, data) Then
            RhinoApp.WriteLine("Found point in {0} tests", data.HitCount)
          End If
        End While
      End Using
      Return Rhino.Commands.Result.Success
    End Function
  End Class
End Namespace


using Rhino;
using Rhino.Geometry;

namespace examples_cs
  public class RTreeClosestPoint : Rhino.Commands.Command
    public override string EnglishName { get { return "cs_RtreeClosestPoint"; } }

    void SearchCallback(object sender, RTreeEventArgs e)
      SearchData data = e.Tag as SearchData;
      if (data == null)
      data.HitCount = data.HitCount + 1;
      Point3f vertex = data.Mesh.Vertices[e.Id];
      double distance = data.Point.DistanceTo(vertex);
      if (data.Index == -1 || data.Distance > distance)
        // shrink the sphere to help improve the test
        e.SearchSphere = new Sphere(data.Point, distance);
        data.Index = e.Id;
        data.Distance = distance;

    class SearchData
      public SearchData(Mesh mesh, Point3d point)
        Point = point;
        Mesh = mesh;
        HitCount = 0;
        Index = -1;
        Distance = 0;

      public int HitCount { get; set; }
      public Point3d Point { get; private set; }
      public Mesh Mesh { get; private set; }
      public int Index { get; set; }
      public double Distance { get; set; }

    protected override Rhino.Commands.Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, Rhino.Commands.RunMode mode)
      Rhino.DocObjects.ObjRef objref;
      var rc = Rhino.Input.RhinoGet.GetOneObject("select mesh", false, Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Mesh, out objref);
      if (rc != Rhino.Commands.Result.Success)
        return rc;

      Mesh mesh = objref.Mesh();

      using (RTree tree = new RTree())
        for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Vertices.Count; i++)
          // we can make a C++ function that just builds an rtree from the
          // vertices in one quick shot, but for now...
          tree.Insert(mesh.Vertices[i], i);

        while (true)
          Point3d point;
          rc = Rhino.Input.RhinoGet.GetPoint("test point", false, out point);
          if (rc != Rhino.Commands.Result.Success)

          SearchData data = new SearchData(mesh, point);
          // Use the first vertex in the mesh to define a start sphere
          double distance = point.DistanceTo(mesh.Vertices[0]);
          Sphere sphere = new Sphere(point, distance * 1.1);
          if (tree.Search(sphere, SearchCallback, data))
            RhinoApp.WriteLine("Found point in {0} tests", data.HitCount);
      return Rhino.Commands.Result.Success;


import Rhino
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

# data passed to the RTree's SearchCallback function that
# we can use for recording what is going on
class SearchData:
    def __init__(self, mesh, point):
        self.HitCount = 0
        self.Mesh = mesh
        self.Point = point
        self.Index = -1
        self.Distance = 0

def SearchCallback(sender, e):
    data = e.Tag
    data.HitCount += 1
    vertex = data.Mesh.Vertices[e.Id]
    distance = data.Point.DistanceTo(vertex)
    if data.Index == -1 or data.Distance > distance:
        # shrink the sphere to help improve the test
        e.SearchSphere = Rhino.Geometry.Sphere(data.Point, distance)
        data.Index = e.Id
        data.Distance = distance

def RunSearch():
    id = rs.GetObject("select mesh", rs.filter.mesh)
    mesh = rs.coercemesh(id)
    if mesh:
        tree = Rhino.Geometry.RTree()
        # I can add a RhinoCommon function that just builds an rtree from the
        # vertices in one quick shot, but for now...
        for i,vertex in enumerate(mesh.Vertices): tree.Insert(vertex, i)

            point = rs.GetPoint("test point")
            if not point: break

            data = SearchData(mesh, point)
            # Use the first vertex in the mesh to define a start sphere
            distance = point.DistanceTo(mesh.Vertices[0])
            sphere = Rhino.Geometry.Sphere(point, distance * 1.1)
            if tree.Search(sphere, SearchCallback, data):
                print "Found point in {0} tests".format(data.HitCount)

if __name__=="__main__":

Version Information

Supported in: 6.0.16224.21491, 5D58w

See Also


RTree Class
Rhino.Geometry Namespace

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