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Will Pearson edited this page Aug 12, 2016 · 2 revisions

Line Structure

Represents the value of start and end points in a single line segment.

Namespace: Rhino.Geometry
Assembly: RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll) Version: Rhino 6.0



public struct Line : IEquatable<Line>


Public Structure Line
	Implements IEquatable(Of Line)

The Line type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public method Line(Point3d, Point3d) Constructs a new line segment between two points.
Public method Line(Point3d, Vector3d) Constructs a new line segment from start point and span vector.
Public method Line(Point3d, Vector3d, Double) Constructs a new line segment from start point, direction and length.
Public method Line(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) Constructs a new line segment between two points.
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Name Description
Public property BoundingBox Gets the line's 3d axis aligned bounding box.
Public propertyCode example Direction Gets the direction of this line segment. The length of the direction vector equals the length of the line segment.
Public property From Start point of line segment.
Public property FromX Gets or sets the X coordinate of the line From point.
Public property FromY Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the line From point.
Public property FromZ Gets or sets the Z coordinate of the line From point.
Public property IsValid Gets a value indicating whether or not this line is valid. Valid lines must have valid start and end points.
Public property Length Gets or sets the length of this line segment. Note that a negative length will invert the line segment without making the actual length negative. The line From point will remain fixed when a new Length is set.
Public property To End point of line segment.
Public property ToX Gets or sets the X coordinate of the line To point.
Public property ToY Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the line To point.
Public property ToZ Gets or sets the Z coordinate of the line To point.
Public property UnitTangent Gets the tangent of the line segment. Note that tangent vectors are always unit vectors.
Public propertyStatic member Unset Gets a line segment which has Unset end points.
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Name Description
Public method ClosestParameter Finds the parameter on the infinite line segment that is closest to a test point.
Public method ClosestPoint Finds the point on the (in)finite line segment that is closest to a test point.
Public method DistanceTo Compute the shortest distance between this line segment and a test point.
Public method EpsilonEquals Check that all values in other are within epsilon of the values in this
Public method Equals(Object) Determines whether an object is a line that has the same value as this line. (Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object).)
Public method Equals(Line) Determines whether a line has the same value as this line.
Public method Extend Extend the line by custom distances on both sides.
Public method ExtendThroughBox(BoundingBox) Ensure the line extends all the way through a box. Note, this does not result in the shortest possible line that overlaps the box.
Public method ExtendThroughBox(Box) Ensure the line extends all the way through a box. Note, this does not result in the shortest possible line that overlaps the box.
Public method ExtendThroughBox(BoundingBox, Double) Ensure the line extends all the way through a box. Note, this does not result in the shortest possible line that overlaps the box.
Public method ExtendThroughBox(Box, Double) Ensure the line extends all the way through a box. Note, this does not result in the shortest possible line that overlaps the box.
Public method Flip Flip the endpoints of the line segment.
Public method GetHashCode Computes a hash number that represents this line. (Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode().)
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method MaximumDistanceTo(Line) Finds the largest distance between this line as a finite segment and another finite segment.
Public method MaximumDistanceTo(Point3d) Finds the largest distance between this line as a finite segment and a test point.
Public method MinimumDistanceTo(Line) Finds the shortest distance between this line as a finite segment and another finite segment.
Public method MinimumDistanceTo(Point3d) Finds the shortest distance between this line as a finite segment and a test point.
Public methodCode example PointAt Evaluates the line at the specified parameter.
Public method PointAtLength Computes a point located at a specific metric distance from the line origin (From). If line start and end coincide, then the start point is always returned.
Public method ToNurbsCurve Constructs a nurbs curve representation of this line. This amounts to the same as calling NurbsCurve.CreateFromLine().
Public method ToString Contructs the string representation of this line, in the form "From,To". (Overrides ValueType.ToString().)
Public method Transform Transform the line using a Transformation matrix.
Public methodStatic member TryCreateBetweenCurves Creates a line segment between a pair of curves such that the line segment is either tangent or perpendicular to each of the curves.
Public methodStatic member TryFitLineToPoints Attempt to fit a line through a set of points.
Public method TryGetPlane Gets a plane that contains the line. The origin of the plane is at the start of the line. If possible, a plane parallel to the world xy, yz, or zx plane is returned.
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Name Description
Public operatorStatic member Equality Determines whether two lines have the same value.
Public operatorStatic member Inequality Determines whether two lines have different values.
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Version Information

Supported in: 6.0.16224.21491, 5D58w

See Also


Rhino.Geometry Namespace

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