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KIHARA Hideto edited this page Jan 16, 2016 · 2 revisions



ここではuim-custom APIの使用法と開発者向けの仕組みを説明する。


Design basics and decisions

How to define your own customs



(require-custom "your-custom.scm")



To acquire a defined custom in your IM, describe as following in the your IM file.

(require-custom "your-custom.scm")

Don't use ordinary 'require' to load a custom file. The require-custom performs per-user configuration loading and reload management, but ordinary 'require' does not.

"-custom" suffix of the filename is only a convention and not required. But we recommend the naming convention to manage the files easily.



(custom-add-hook 'anthy-input-mode-actions
                 (lambda ()
                   (puts "anthy-input-mode-actions has been set\n")



(custom-add-hook 'skk-dic-file-name


  • ランタイム版のcustom機構(custom-rt.scm)はcustom変数一つにつきフックを一つしかつけられない(フル機能版では複数のフックを扱える)
  • フル機能版(custom.scm)だけで有効なcustom APIはフック手続きの中で使えない


(if custom-full-featured?
    (custom-add-hook 'anthy-kana-input-method-actions
                     (lambda ()

The feature is usable via the hook named 'custom-set-hooks'. See following example.

(custom-add-hook 'anthy-input-mode-actions
                 (lambda ()
                   (puts "anthy-input-mode-actions has been set\n")

Any procedure that takes no argument can be placed into the third argument to custom-add-hook. The procedure will be invoked when the custom variable anthy-input-mode-actions has been set. Interprocess custom variable update via uim-helper-server also triggers this hook. So some variables edited on uim-pref will be propagated to any processes and invokes the hook on the fly.

For example, dynamic file switching can be triggered by uim-pref using following hook.

(custom-add-hook 'skk-dic-file-name

There are some limitations for the set-hook feature.

  • Runtime version of the custom facility (custom-rt.scm) only accepts at most one hook per custom variable (full-featured version can handle multiple hooks)
  • Custom API enabled only in full-featured version (custom.scm) cannot be invoked in the hook procedure.

Enclose such code into conditional block as follows. This ensures that custom-rt.scm ignores the hook.

(if custom-full-featured?
    (custom-add-hook 'anthy-kana-input-method-actions
                     (lambda ()




Any custom variables has a state named 'activity'. This state indicates whether the value set in the custom variable makes sense or not. The state should be reflected to value editability of the corresponding widget on preference tools. i.e. Use gtk_widget_set_sensitive() for the corresponding widget to reflect the state.

To control activity of a custom variable, configure the hook for the custom variable. Otherwise all custom variables are always active.

Example 1: 単純なactivity

下の例ではmy-frequently-used-string1というcustom 変数が、ユーザー名が「yamaken」のときだけactiveになるようにしている。ここでは、custom-add-hookの第3引数はcustom変数がactiveかinactiveかを示す述語になる。


  • uim_custom_get()でcustom変数を取得したとき
  • 明示的にcustom-active?を呼んだとき
  • custom変数が設定されたとき。詳しくは Example 2 を参照。
(define-custom 'my-frequently-used-string1 "I'm hungry! Give me some sweets."
  (_ "My frequently used string 1")
  (_ "long description will be here."))

(custom-add-hook 'my-frequently-used-string1
                 (lambda ()
                   (string=? (getenv "USER")

Following example shows that the custom variable my-frequently-used-string1 is active only when username is "yamaken". The third argument of custom-add-hook can be any predicate to indicate whether the custom variable is active or inactive.

The activity is tested by the predicate when:

  • The custom variable has been acquired by uim_custom_get().

  • Invoking custom-active? explicitly

  • Any custom variable has been set. See next example for further information

(define-custom 'my-frequently-used-string1 "I'm hungry! Give me some sweets."
  (_ "My frequently used string 1")
  (_ "long description will be here."))

(custom-add-hook 'my-frequently-used-string1
                 (lambda ()
                   (string=? (getenv "USER")

Example 2: ほかのcustom変数の値を反映した動的なactivity



述語はcustom 変数が設定されたときに呼ばれる(別の値に変更される必要はない)。So you can place any flexible predicate as the third argument for the custom-add-hook.



(define-custom 'show-segment-separator? #f
  (_ "Show segment separator")
  (_ "long description will be here."))

(define-custom 'segment-separator "|"
  '(string ".*")
  (_ "Segment separator")
  (_ "long description will be here."))

(custom-add-hook 'segment-separator
                 (lambda ()

The activity alters when other custom variables have been set.

In following example, segment-separator will be active only when show-segment-separator? is true. The activity will be changed automatically and noticed to client of uim-custom via callback for the segment-separator previously set immediately after new value of show-segment-separator? has been set.

The predicate will be evaluated when any of custom variables have been set (changing to different value is not required). So you can place any flexible predicate as the third argument for the custom-add-hook.

All activity predicates will be evaluated and noticed via corresponding callback when any of custom variables has been set.

No group relationships including subgrouping is not required to set variable relationships.

(define-custom 'show-segment-separator? #f
  (_ "Show segment separator")
  (_ "long description will be here."))

(define-custom 'segment-separator "|"
  '(string ".*")
  (_ "Segment separator")
  (_ "long description will be here."))

(custom-add-hook 'segment-separator
                 (lambda ()
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