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Meeting 2017 06 14

Martin Alvarez-Espinar edited this page Jun 14, 2017 · 3 revisions

Meeting: Wed 14 June, 08:00 UTC (See other locations)

Technical info

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  1. Officials. (Nicolas to screencast/explain the tool they used, part of the Competition Management System)
  2. Reportlab JSON APIs.
  3. AOB



  • Andy R.
  • Andy W.
  • Martin
  • Nicolas
  • Chiheb
  • Peter Crawshaw
  • Maxim Moinat

Scribe: Martin

Round of introductions

  • Maxim Moinat joined the group.
  • [Round of presentations.]
  • Maxim from Netherlands


  • Peter sent a spreadsheet about officials. A list of roles and where those roles will be involved (type of competitions).
  • [Peter explaining the spreadsheet]
  • Not all roles are necessary for all competitions. In low level competitions not all are appointed.
  • Andy: For competition management we would need these roles as unique codes and also information about timing and people allocated.
  • Peter: For instance, there is another level of detail below this spreadsheet. The number of officials for each event.
  • Martin: We can take this spreadsheet to create a complete classification of roles.
  • … Describing all roles, skills required, etc.
  • … All with unique codes.
  • … This is a nice start point.
  • Nicolas: We manage international officials.
  • … We have rules and guides for officials.
  • We don’t have too many roles in our system. For instance, we don’t manage officials for timing.
  • Andy to share the spreadsheet with the list.
  • Martin to upload the information in the repository.

EAA competition management system

  • Nicolas: [Presenting Arena, EAA's competition management system]
  • … For each type of event, we have the specific officials required.
  • … Event types and requirements
  • [screen-casting the tool they use]
  • [appointing people to roles into competitions]
  • … This tool is linked to our CRM
  • Peter: I’m looking for the local perspective. More specific on the ground.

  • [Presentation by Maxim]
  • [Too cracking sound]
  • Maxim: We are a OSS company
  • … Organising events in Netherlands
  • … Gathering information
  • [Management of rankings in Netherlands, export in a spreadsheet]
  • [Also a complete list of disciplines]

JSON feeds by Report lab

  • [Andy presenting]
  • [Competitions and results]
  • [Showing competition structure]

Next Meeting

  • Wed 21 Jun (same time, same place)
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