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Meeting 2022 01 11

Martin Alvarez-Espinar edited this page Jan 11, 2022 · 6 revisions

Title: Virtual Meeting Open Athletics

When / Where


  1. World Athletics Model (see model and API documentation)
    • Questions about the model
    • Detailed result (comparison with TMI)
  2. WA Athlete's IDs
  3. AOB


Participants: 18 attendees

Competition/results model  

  • [Introduction by Martin on the work already done] based on the documentation provided by Andras. 

  • The API is not functional yet; it is just documented so we can adapt the model. 

  • Andy's question about the WA’s IDs

  • Andras: WA will require collecting the competitions in advance, so WA will generate IDs for all competitions, and they will be available on the APIs afterward. 

  • Andras: For the athlete's ID, we can provide the same function from the API as you can find on the website. You will be able to query the IDs of the athletes. Once we have the IDs for the athletes, the organizers select the specific IDs of the athletes registered in their competitions.

  • Duje: I’ve included all the WA competitions in TMI from the WA page. Will get more information about the competitions in JSON? 

  • Andras: Noted. It could be also possible. Categories and athlete info could be available.

  • Duje: Drop me a note if you need a showcase to illustrate what we can do with that data.

  • Martin: We could also include these examples and use cases as a showcase in the repository of this group. 

Breakdown of results

  • Duje mentioned the breakdown of the result details in TMI’s system. 

  • Andras: We can include these details, but I don’t see the need (for jumps and field events) since it’s for complete results.

  • ... For races, we can include extra information (e.g., yellow card, or other extra features that could be relevant). It could be an option. 

  • Andy: We could generate guidelines on what data WA is not interested in, so we can provide cleaner information and improve efficiency. 

  • Andras: I agree. We need to define the baseline of the results we require. Some competitions or details may not be relevant for WA.

  • Andy: Asynchronous posts of competitions could send back feedback. It could be great if we receive feedback from your side to check if this is successful.

  • Martin: for statistics, are venues important for concrete events (unitary)? (e.g., semifinals held in different tracks).

  • Andras: It could be relevant linking the venues to the specific result, not to the whole competition. We have to explore it.

  • Duje: Agreed. It’s important to link the concrete result with the specific venue.

Athletes ID

  • Eddy shared the UCI’s API

  • In cycling, they have to use the Cyclist ID (UCI code)

  • Every competition has to use the UCI IDs. It’s mandatory.

  • You can access all the information about the riders. 

  • Martin: Database is for the top elite riders only?

  • Eddy: Only the riders and competition. But I think all the cyclists are stored in this database (more reduced than the WA’s volume). 

  • Eddy: It could be possible to have identifiers for all athletes worldwide, centralized as the UCI does. They use Country code + numeric identifier.

  • Andy: companies like us can provide WA with thousands of athletes.

  • Andras: We cannot promise anything since we have to agree with the member federations. Country by country would be more efficient. But this is the way forward.


  • Andras: Some comments about the data model:
    • Mix gender, to the model (mixed competitions)
    • Qualification type: qualification types
    • Horizontal jump: ‘r’ (retired) 
    • To clarify the round types (Final A-B)

Next meeting: 8th Feb 2022, same time (09:00 UTC)

Topic proposed for next meeting: UCI API Overview

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