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Meeting 2024 05 07

Martin Alvarez-Espinar edited this page May 7, 2024 · 4 revisions

Title: Open Athletics Virtual Meeting - May 2024

When / Where


  1. New participants?
  2. Latest news - progress
  3. Should we keep the monthly calls?
  4. AOB



  • Martin Alvarez
  • Andy Robinson
  • Nicolas Launois
  • Johannes Rosenmöller

Open discussion about the future activities in the group

  • Discussion about Athlete IDs, based on WA's identifiers, as a good opportunity for any third-party solution.
  • If this is implemented as OpenID, athletes could log in to other websites using their unique IDs.
  • So far, WA offers an API service to query their BD to extract information based on athletes' IDs (mainly for service providers).
  • Interesting topics to bring to the group:
    • World Athletics Heritage -> digital archive (photos, articles, etc.) but a good idea to put the assets in an open database. To invite them to the next virtual meeting.
    • Standards as a way to solve the challenges for the federations and the vendor lock-in?
    • Standards for trainers/coaching? (currently, they keep all the data, no sharing) --> "Athlete empowerment"
    • Next AthTech organization?


  • The group may have a slot in the TPAC 2024 - Sep 23, 2024
  • Martin can present the group in public to ask for feedback.
  • We can send explicit invitations to trainer's associations, IPTC, and other institutions in the US

Next steps

  • Keep the group alive.
  • Organize the next meeting in some weeks to keep the planning.
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