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Supported recording formats

jamesjun edited this page Oct 24, 2017 · 1 revision

SpikeGLX (or Neuropixels)

Requires .bin and .meta files

jrc makeprm E:\sample.bin myprobe.prb

This creates a parameter file "E:\sample_myprobe.prm".

Intan (Open Ephys)

Requires binary files "*-A-###.dat" where ### indicates the channel number.

jrc import-intan E:\myrecordings\sample-A-*.dat myprobe.prb

This creates a parameter file "E:\myrecordings_myprobe.prm" and "E:\myrecordings.bin" by merging all channels to a file.

Neuroshare (Blackrock or Ripple)

Requires .ns5 files (int16 format)

jrc import-nsx E:\myrecording.ns5 myprobe.prb

This creates a parameter file "E:\myrecordings_myprobe.prm".

Generic binary files stored in int16 format (signed 16-bit integer)

jrc makeprm E:\myrecording.dat myprobe.prb

This creates "E:\myrecording_myprobe.prm"

You must following info manually

  • nChans: number of channels stored in file
  • sRateHz: Sampling rate
  • uV_per_bit: microvolts per bit
  • header_offset: number of bytes to offset header information
  • imProbeOpt: Neuropixels probe option, leave blank if other probes are used
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