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jamesjun edited this page Dec 4, 2017 · 6 revisions

Parameter file (.prm) describes the analysis pipeline and parameter choices. Parameter file can be created using makeprm_() function which is called when users invoke jrc makeprm command. This function automatically fills recording-specific information from the SpikeGLX meta file (.meta), and loads the default values from "default.prm" file.

If the meta file is missing, JRCLUST requests the following information:

  • Sampling rate (Hz): read from imSampRate (or niSampRate for NI recordings) in .meta file
  • # channels saved: read from nSavedChans in .meta file
  • Microvolts per bit (uV/bit): computed from imAiRangeMax, imAiRangeMax and vnIMRO (or niMNGain for NI recordings) in .meta file
  • Header offset (in bytes): 0 for SpikeGLX, since no header is stored in the binary file (.bin).
  • Data Type: select from {'int16', 'uint16', 'single', 'double'}; 'int16' for SpikeGLX format
  • Neuropixels probe option: 0 if N/A; read from imroTbl in .meta file


[vcFile_prm, vcPrompt] = makeprm_(vcFile_bin, vcFile_prb)
[vcFile_prm, vcPrompt] = makeprm_(vcFile_bin, vcFile_prm)
[vcFile_prm, vcPrompt] = makeprm_(vcFile_bin, vcFile_prb, fAsk, vcFile_template)


  • vcFile_bin (string): binary file name
  • vcFile_prb (string): probe file name (.prb extension)
  • vcFile_prm (string): parameter file name (.prm extension)
  • fAsk (logical, 1 by default): If 1, ask user if the .prm file already exists. Otherwise, overwrite the .prm file.
  • vcFile_template (string, optional): template file name.


  • vcFile_prm: parameter file name (string)
  • vcPrompt: error prompt (empty if no errror is found)
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