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walkawayy edited this page Sep 21, 2021 · 7 revisions

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← Spinarak    Crobat →


Version Type Abilities HP Atk Def SAt SDf Speed Egg Groups
Faithful Bug, Poison Swarm, Insomnia, Sniper 70 90 70 60 70 40 Bug, Bug
Modified Bug, Dark --- 70 90 70 60 70 80 ---
Level Move
1 Bug Bite
1 Focus Energy
1 Poison Sting
1 String Shot
1 Wrap
5 Absorb
8 Glare
12 Scary Face
15 Night Shade
19 Growth
23 Fury Strikes
28 Sucker Punch
32 Mean Look
37 Agility
41 Pin Missile
46 Psychic M
50 Poison Jab
55 Leech Life
58 Feint Attack
--- ---
TM Attract
TM Curse
TM Dark Pulse
TM Dig
TM Double Team
TM Facade
TM Flash
TM Giga Drain
TM Giga Impact
TM Hidden Power
TM Hone Claws
TM Hyper Beam
TM Leech Life
TM Poison Jab
TM Protect
TM Psychic
TM Rest
TM Return
TM Sludge Bomb
TM Solar Beam
TM Substitute
TM Sunny Day
TM Swords Dance
TM Thief
TM Toxic
TM X Scissor
--- ---
Move Tutor Body Slam
Move Tutor Double Edge
Move Tutor Endure
Move Tutor Sleep Talk
Move Tutor Sucker Punch
Move Tutor Swagger

← Spinarak    Crobat →

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