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walkawayy edited this page Sep 21, 2021 · 7 revisions

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← Gloom    Paras →


Version Type Abilities HP Atk Def SAt SDf Speed Egg Groups
Faithful Grass, Poison Chlorophyll, Chlorophyll, Effect Spore 75 80 85 110 90 50 Plant, Plant
Modified --- --- 75 80 85 110 100 50 ---
Level Move
1 Mega Drain
1 Heal Bell
1 Poisonpowder
1 Stun Spore
39 Growth
49 Moonblast
59 Petal Dance
69 Solar Beam
--- ---
TM Attract
TM Curse
TM Cut
TM Dazzlingleam
TM Double Team
TM Drain Punch
TM Endure
TM Energy Ball
TM Facade
TM Flash
TM Giga Drain
TM Giga Impact
TM Hidden Power
TM Hyper Beam
TM Protect
TM Rest
TM Return
TM Safeguard
TM Sleep Talk
TM Sludge Bomb
TM Solar Beam
TM Substitute
TM Sunny Day
TM Swords Dance
TM Toxic
--- ---
Move Tutor Body Slam
Move Tutor Double Edge
Move Tutor Earth Power
Move Tutor Hyper Voice
Move Tutor Seed Bomb
Move Tutor Swagger

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