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walkawayy edited this page Sep 21, 2021 · 7 revisions

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← Quilava    Totodile →


Version Type Abilities HP Atk Def SAt SDf Speed Egg Groups
Faithful Fire Blaze, Blaze, Flash Fire 78 84 78 109 85 100 Ground, Ground
Modified Fire, Ground Blaze, Flame Body, Flash Fire --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Level Move
1 Fire Punch
1 Tackle
1 Leer
6 Smokescreen
10 Ember
13 Quick Attack
20 Defense Curl
24 Flame Charge
31 Swift
35 Dig
43 Reversal
48 Flamethrower
56 Earth Power
61 Rollout
69 Double Edge
74 Earthquake
81 Flare Blitz
--- ---
TM Aerial Ace
TM Attract
TM Bulldoze
TM Curse
TM Cut
TM Dig
TM Double Team
TM Dynamicpunch
TM Earthquake
TM Facade
TM Fire Blast
TM Flame Charge
TM Flamethrower
TM Focus Blast
TM Giga Impact
TM Gyro Ball
TM Hidden Power
TM Hyper Beam
TM Iron Tail
TM Protect
TM Rest
TM Return
TM Roar
TM Rock Slide
TM Rock Smash
TM Seismic Toss
TM Shadow Claw
TM Solar Beam
TM Strength
TM Substitute
TM Sunny Day
TM Swift
TM Toxic
TM Wild Charge
TM Will O Wisp
--- ---
Move Tutor Body Slam
Move Tutor Counter
Move Tutor Defense Curl
Move Tutor Double Edge
Move Tutor Earth Power
Move Tutor Endure
Move Tutor Fire Punch
Move Tutor Headbutt
Move Tutor Rollout
Move Tutor Sleep Talk
Move Tutor Swagger
Move Tutor Thunderpunch

← Quilava    Totodile →

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