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Vyacheslav Izgagin edited this page Jul 1, 2024 · 5 revisions

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The BSP software package has been developed at the Institute of Industrial Ecology UB RAS. It is designed to calculate the protection against secondary bremsstrahlung from extended beta sources. The following dosimetric values can be calculated:

  • Air kerma (K),
  • Effective dose (E),
  • Equivalent dose (H),
  • Ambient dose equivalent H*(10),
  • Exposure dose (X),
  • Personal dose equivalent Hp(10),
  • Personal dose equivalent Hp(0.07).

The BSP offers a number of beta isotopes as a beta-sources of bremsstrahlung: P-32, Kr-85, Sr-89, Sr-90, Y-90, Zr-95, Nb-95, Ru-103, Ru-106 + Rh-106, Ba-140, La-140, Ce-144, Pr-144, Pm-147, Eu-156, Au-198 and Tl-204. Water, concrete, strontium titanate (SrTiO3), carbon, copper, aluminum, iron, lead, tungsten, and uranium are suggested materials for use as a beta source material or bremsstrahlung shielding.

Deterministic evaluation approach allows to obtain accurate results with low computer time consumption. The used point kernel method proposes to divide the extended source into discrete volumes to calculate the total dose rate. The Simpson’s method is used as an integration method. The calculation accuracy could be adjusted by setting the size of discrete volumes using input parameters in the corresponding section of the user interface. The performance of dose rate calculation is improved by using parallel calculations.

To account for scattered radiation, the program implements two methods of calculation of the buildup factor for homogeneous shielding: Taylor and Geometric progression. To account for scattering in multilayer shielding, three calculation methods are implemented: last layer, weighted layer, and Broder's method. To customize all aspects of calculation, the BSP input parameters are grouped into three tabs: radiation source, shielding, buildup and output value.


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