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Releases: biowdl/WGSinCancerDiagnostics


31 Mar 09:53
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  • Added the shallow input to enable shallow mode. Defaults to false.
  • Added the runPolyGTrimming input to control whether or not poly-
    G-tail trimming should be performed by fastp. By default fastp's
    default behaviour will be used, ie. enabled for NextSeq/NovaSeq data
    as determined from the FastQ headers.
  • Added the mappingThreads input to control the number of threads
    used per BWA mem job. Defaults to 8.
  • Added the splitFastq input to control whether fastq files should
    get split into chunks or not. Defaults to true.
  • Added the filterFastq input to control whether fastq files should
    get filtered on quality and read length prior to mapping. Default to
  • Added the fastpCorrection input to control whether fastp's
    correction should be enabled. DEfaults to true.


14 Feb 13:29
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  • Fixed an error in sortReportedVcf caused by an incomplete VCF header.


13 Jan 16:20
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  • Added a task to call genotypes for specific sites.


16 Dec 12:52
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  • runAdapterClipping is now set to true by default.


29 Nov 13:46
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  • Limit the number of chunks per fastq file to 16. Fastp will run into
    issues if the number of chunks is not divisible by the number of
    threads it uses, which is limited to 16 theads.
  • Runtime attributes for Amber were adjusted:
    • memory increased from 70GiB (javaXmx: 64G) to 85GiB
      (javaXmx: 80G).
    • timeMinutes increased from 240 to 480.


18 Nov 16:18
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  • Fixed an issue where fastp errors if the number of splits for
    a fastq file is set to 1.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the header of the reportedVAR.vcf output to
    be malformed. (see v2.1.1)
  • Memory requested for mark duplicate tasks increased from 25000 Mb to
    50000 Mb.


18 Nov 11:12
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  • Fixed a bug that caused the header of the reportedVAR.vcf output to
    be malformed.


11 Nov 15:49
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  • Use fastp for adapter clipping and initial QC metrics collection
    instead of the biowdl QC workflow (which uses cutadapt and fastqc).
    Also replaces fastqsplitter for chunking of the fastq files.
  • Added picard CollectInsertSizeMetrics.
  • Added MultiQC.
  • Increased the number of threads used for duplicate marking to 8 (was 3).


11 Oct 12:44
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  • Added a task that generates a table of VAFs (as determined by Purple)
    for somatic variants.
  • Added an output stating the pipeline version.
  • Removed unused breakpointHotspot input.
  • Removed unused peachTranscriptTsv input.
  • Removed unused import of snpEff task.
  • Chunk numbers per input fastq are now calculated based on size.
    The total number of chunks can be set using the
    totalMappingChunks inputs, which defaults to 25.
  • For various jobs the default runtime attributes have been adjusted
    to be more efficient.


18 Jul 13:19
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  • Tool versions were upgraded:
    • Cuppa: 1.4 -> 1.6
    • Gripss: 1.11 -> 2.0
    • Linx: 1.16 -> 1.18
    • Protect: 1.4 -> 2.0
    • Purple: 3.1 -> 3.2
    • virus-interpreter: 1.0 -> 1.2
    • Peach: 1.0 -> 1.5
  • snpEff was replaced with Pave.
  • LinxVisualization was added.
  • CupGenerateReport was added.
  • Orange was added.
  • Added a job to create a VCF of reported variants.