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k3b edited this page Sep 15, 2019 · 28 revisions

"A Photo Manager" with "A Photo Map", AndroFotoFinder

Enhanced Android Gallery App to manage local photos: geo map, find, sort, view, copy, delete, set gps exif data, send, ... .


  • The Filter-View can find images via
    • folder (with hierarchical Folder-Picker).
      • Non-relevant folders are hidden from folder picker (i.e. they have no images inside) .
    • wildcards that match folder/filename
    • area in geographic map (if image has GPS Exif info)
    • tags(keywords),
    • date, title, description, rating
    • Searchcriteria can be saved to and later be retrieved from Virtual Albums/Bookmarks.
  • Show results in a scrollable gallery view with
  • Image view features
    • image zoom
    • swiping for next/previous image
    • show extended image info (Exif, IPTC, XMP, ICC)
    • file operations copy, move, delete, rename, share, show in map, set geo, set tags (keywords), edit photo properties (exif)
    • can be opened from any filemanager or android-s gallery
  • edit photo properties (exif) of photo(s): date, title, description, tags(keywords), geo, rating, ....
  • The geographic map
    • shows markers at places where photos were taken.
    • can be opened as a map-viewer from any app that support "geo:"-uri-s
    • can be opened as a "geo:" picker to select a location from a map or photo
    • can open and show *.gpx and *.kml files.
  • File operations

See also:


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