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Will Pearson edited this page Aug 12, 2016 · 2 revisions

MeshingParameters Properties

The MeshingParameters type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public propertyStatic memberCode example Coarse Gets meshing parameters for coarse meshing. This corresponds with the "Jagged and Faster" default in Rhino.
Public property ComputeCurvature Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not surface curvature data will be embedded in the mesh.
Public propertyStatic memberCode example Default Get default meshing parameters.
Public property GridAmplification Gets or sets the grid amplification factor. Values lower than 1.0 will decrease the number of initial quads, values higher than 1.0 will increase the number of initial quads.
Public property GridAngle Gets or sets the maximum allowed angle difference (in radians) for a single sampling quad. The angle pertains to the surface normals.
Public property GridAspectRatio Gets or sets the maximum allowed aspect ratio of sampling quads.
Public property GridMaxCount Gets or sets the maximum number of grid quads in the initial sampling grid.
Public property GridMinCount Gets or sets the minimum number of grid quads in the initial sampling grid.
Public property JaggedSeams Gets or sets whether or not the mesh is allowed to have jagged seams. When this flag is set to true, meshes on either side of a Brep Edge will not match up.
Public property MaximumEdgeLength Gets or sets the maximum allowed mesh edge length.
Public propertyStatic memberCode example Minimal Gets minimal meshing parameters.
Public property MinimumEdgeLength Gets or sets the minimum allowed mesh edge length.
Public property MinimumTolerance Gets or sets the minimum tolerance.
Public property RefineAngle Gets or sets the mesh parameter refine angle.
Public property RefineGrid Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the sampling grid can be refined when certain tolerances are not met.
Public property RelativeTolerance Gets or sets the relative tolerance.
Public property SimplePlanes Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not planar areas are allowed to be meshed in a simplified manner.
Public propertyStatic memberCode example Smooth Gets meshing parameters for smooth meshing. This corresponds with the "Smooth and Slower" default in Rhino.
Public property Tolerance Gets or sets the maximum allowed edge deviation. This tolerance is measured between the center of the mesh edge and the surface.
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See Also


MeshingParameters Class
Rhino.Geometry Namespace

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