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raydeejay edited this page Dec 3, 2017 · 26 revisions


sfx id [note] [duration=-1] [channel=0] [volume=15] [speed=0]


  • id : From 0 to 63, -1 will stop playing the sfx on the channel
  • note : From 0 to 95, 12 notes in each 8 octaves = octave * 12 + note or string like C#4. These are the available notes: C-, C#, D-, D#, E-, F-, F#, G-, G#, A-, A#, B-
  • duration : how many ticks to play (duration == -1 by default to play sfx infinitely)
  • channel : 0..3
  • volume : The volume, from 0 to 15 (15 by default)
  • speed : The speed, from -4 to 3 (0 by default), means how many 'ticks+1' to play each step, speed == 0 means 1 tick per step


This function will play a sound from the sfx editor. [how do you change channels' waveform?]

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