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McCarrin, Michael (CIV) edited this page Jul 21, 2023 · 4 revisions

Choose your installation method.

To build the VRX software, you need a development environment with the necessary dependencies installed (these include ROS, Gazebo and some utilities). There are two ways to do this:

Set up your host machine as your development environment.

  • This is the simplest configuration provided you are able to install the specific versions of Ubuntu/ROS/Gazebo listed in the System Requirements.
  • This is the default approach.

Set up a Docker container with the necessary dependencies, and run VRX inside the container.

  • This involves installing Docker, then installing dependencies into a Docker image.
  • The image functions like a lightweight virtual machine that allows you to build and run VRX.
  • This option is a little more complex conceptually, but has the advantage of leaving the configuration of your host machine (mostly) undisturbed.
  • Choose this option if you are using the same host for multiple development projects that make use of different software environments (for example, different ROS versions), or just prefer not to install packages on your host system.
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Next (docker alternative): Prepare Your Docker Container
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