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vrx_2023 acoustic_perception_task

M1chaelM edited this page May 30, 2023 · 2 revisions

Task 4: Acoustic Perception


An underwater acoustic beacon broadcasts range, bearing and elevation indicating its position relative to the USV, with noise. The objective of the task is to navigate to the beacon (within 1 m) as quickly as possible.

How to Run

Step 1: Launch the example

ros2 launch vrx_gz world:=acoustic_perception_task

Step 2: Subscribe to the relevant topics

ros2 topic echo /wamv/pingers/pinger/range_bearing
  • For the timeout counter and your current score, subscribe to the /vrx/task/info topic:
ros2 topic echo /vrx/task/info

Step 3: Complete the task

  • In order to complete the task, you can manually drive the WAM-V towards the beacon with a gamepad:
ros2 launch vrx_gz usv_joy_teleop.launch

The overall performance for each run is scored based on the time it takes for the WAM-V to reach the beacon location.

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