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vrx_2022 wayfinding_task

M1chaelM edited this page Aug 4, 2021 · 6 revisions

Task 2: Wayfinding

DRAFT Template (please modify): In hopes of makes tutorials easier to write and giving them a standard format, I added this skeleton based on the Task 5 tutorial. Please fill in or change as needed. Thanks!


TODO: Describe task here

How to Practice

TODO: modify as needed to explain how to run through the task

Step 1: Launch the example

code to launch 

Step 2: Subscribe to relevant topics

The following ROS topics contain information relevant to this task:

relevant topics

For the timeout counter and your current score, subscribe to the /vrx/task/info topic:

rostopic echo /vrx/task/info

TODO: Other topics you need, etc. ``

Step 3: Complete the task

TODO: Explain how to complete the task.

Notes / Hints:

TODO: Add Notes

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