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rpeszek edited this page Aug 21, 2018 · 2 revisions

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Source idr program: /src/Part2/Sec8_2_5_vappd.idr
Source lhs program: /src/Part2/Sec8_2_5_vappd.lhs

Section 8.2.5 Nat + theorems in Vect append vs Haskell

Both Idris and Haskell know that 2+3 = 3+2 because both sides evaluate to 5. But n + m = m + n is another story, this creates all these annoying compiler errors like "Couldn't match type ‘1 + n’ with ‘n + 1’".

Idris code example

{- vector append in reverse order -}
module Sec8_2_5_vappd
import Data.Vect

%default total 

myAppend1 : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
myAppend1 [] ys = ys
myAppend1 (x :: xs) ys = x :: myAppend1 xs ys

{- reversed order -}
myAppend2_xs_lemma : Vect (S (m + k)) elem -> Vect (plus m (S k)) elem
myAppend2_xs_lemma {m} {k} xs = rewrite sym
                       (plusSuccRightSucc m k) in xs

myAppend2 : Vect n elem -> Vect m elem -> Vect (m + n) elem
myAppend2 {m} [] ys = rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral m in ys
myAppend2 (x :: xs) ys = myAppend2_xs_lemma (x :: myAppend2 xs ys)

Compared to Haskell

  , GADTs
  , DataKinds
  , AllowAmbiguousTypes
  , RankNTypes
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-unused-imports #-}

module Part2.Sec8_2_5_vappd where
import Data.CodedByHand (Vect(..), Nat(..), SNat(..), type (+), SNatI, sNat, SomeVect(..))
import qualified Data.CodedByHand as V
import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl), sym)
import Part2.Sec8_1_eqproof (cong)

{- convenience function that allows to use weaker typed lists to test the work -}
testAppend :: [a] -> [a] -> (forall n m. Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m + n) a) -> SomeVect a
testAppend xs ys fapp = V.listWithVect xs (\vxs -> V.listWithVect ys (\vys -> SomeVect $ fapp vxs vys))

myAppend :: forall n m a. Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
myAppend VNil v2 = v2
myAppend (x ::: xs) v2 = x ::: (myAppend xs v2)

I can do that easily enough

myAppend2 :: forall n m a. (n + m) ~ (m + n) => Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m + n) a
myAppend2 = myAppend

but this introduces the (n + m) ~ (m + n) constraint that is hard to work with, for example, testAppend [1,2] [6] myAppend2 has no chance of compiling and all the nice infrastructure build around existential (SomeVect) or rank2 quantification (listWithVect) will not compile with it.

Or I can just do this:

myAppend2Cheat :: Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m + n) a
myAppend2Cheat = flip myAppend

The best approach seems to use :~: mimicking Idris.

myAppend3 :: SNat n -> SNat m -> Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m + n) a
myAppend3 n m = case plusCommutative n m of Refl -> myAppend 
myAppend3' :: (SNatI n, SNatI m) => Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m + n) a
myAppend3' = myAppend3 sNat sNat 
myAppend3'' :: Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m + n) a
myAppend3'' v1 v2 = myAppend3 (V.vlength v1) (V.vlength v2) v1 v2

-- note: plusZeroRightNeutral, plusSuccRightSucc are reversed compared to Idris
plusCommutative :: SNat left -> SNat right -> ((left + right) :~: (right + left))
plusCommutative SZ right = plusZeroRightNeutral right
plusCommutative (SS k) right = case plusCommutative k right of Refl -> sym (plusSuccRightSucc right k)

Defining the flipped myAppend recursively on its own is harder because type equality assumptions involve numbers other than n and m (n and m are hardwired in the type signature).

Following the above Idris example to just fix the original myAppend1 implementation checks out:

myAppend4 :: SNat n -> SNat m -> Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m + n) a
-- myAppend4' = myAppend4 plusZeroRightNeutral plusSuccRightSucc
myAppend4 _ m VNil v2 = case plusZeroRightNeutral m of 
       Refl -> v2
myAppend4 (SS n) m (x ::: xs) v2 = let res = myAppend4 n m xs v2 
    in case plusSuccRightSucc m n of
       Refl -> x ::: res

plusZeroRightNeutral :: SNat mx -> 'Z + mx :~: mx + 'Z
plusZeroRightNeutral SZ     = Refl
plusZeroRightNeutral (SS k) = cong (plusZeroRightNeutral k)

plusSuccRightSucc :: SNat left -> SNat right -> (left + 'S right) :~: 'S (left + right)
plusSuccRightSucc SZ right        = Refl
plusSuccRightSucc (SS left) right = cong $ plusSuccRightSucc left right 

Side-note I find using cong to be more intuitive but is not needed:

plusZeroRightNeutral' :: SNat mx -> 'Z + mx :~: mx + 'Z
plusZeroRightNeutral' SZ     = Refl
plusZeroRightNeutral' (SS k) = case plusZeroRightNeutral' k of Refl -> Refl

plusSuccRightSucc' :: SNat left -> SNat right -> (left + 'S right) :~: 'S (left + right)
plusSuccRightSucc' SZ right        = Refl
plusSuccRightSucc' (SS left) right = case plusSuccRightSucc left right of Refl -> Refl

(end of side-note)

test2 = myAppend2 ("1" ::: "2" ::: VNil) ("3" ::: VNil)
test4 = myAppend4 (SS (SS SZ)) (SS SZ) ("1" ::: "2" ::: VNil) ("3" ::: VNil)

{-| implicit version, SNatI n  is like SingI provides implicit evidence replacing SNat n -}
myAppend4' :: (SNatI n, SNatI m) => Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m + n) a
myAppend4' = myAppend4 sNat sNat 

test4' = myAppend4' ("1" ::: "2" ::: VNil) ("3" ::: VNil)

myAppend4'' ::  Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m + n) a
myAppend4'' v1 v2 = myAppend4 (V.vlength v1) (V.vlength v2) v1 v2

test4'' = myAppend4'' ("1" ::: "2" ::: VNil) ("3" ::: VNil)


*Part2.Sec8_2_5_vappd> test2
"1" ::: ("2" ::: ("3" ::: VNil))
*Part2.Sec8_2_5_vappd> test4
"1" ::: ("2" ::: ("3" ::: VNil))
*Part2.Sec8_2_5_vappd> test4'
"1" ::: ("2" ::: ("3" ::: VNil))
*Part2.Sec8_2_5_vappd> test4''
"1" ::: ("2" ::: ("3" ::: VNil))

Here is the runtime test that converts regular list and treats it as a vector:


*Part2.Sec8_2_5_vappd> testAppend [1,2] [6] myAppend4''
SomeVect (1 ::: (2 ::: (6 ::: VNil)))
*Part2.Sec8_2_5_vappd> testAppend [1,2] [6] myAppend3''
SomeVect (1 ::: (2 ::: (6 ::: VNil)))

As could be expected the programmable :~: works great!
Idris approach with rewrite is feels more expressive and simpler.