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Source idr program: /src/Part3/Sec15a_ProcessLib.idr
Source lhs program: /src/Part3/Sec15a_ProcessLib.lhs
Concurrent programming is hard. In fact, it took me quite some time
to create somewhat equivalent version of Idris' System.Concurrency.Channels
primitives and getting it to work.
Section 15 of the book shows how dependent types help in creating type safe protocols on top of less safe primitives. If the implementation of the protocol itself is correct, the programs that use it are prevented from race conditions.
This section shows the code for the library itself. The next note shows how it is used.
As with the other of my notes, the easiest method or reading this is to open two browser windows side-by-side and compare Idris and Haskell.
||| This is almost exact copy from the book with some naming adjusted
||| see
||| https://github.com/edwinb/TypeDD-Samples/blob/master/Chapter15/ProcessLib.idr
module Part3.Sec15a_ProcessLib
import System.Concurrency.Channels
%default total
||| `iface : reqType -> Type` defines type level service interface (service commands)
||| `reqType` would typically be some ADT defining commands and LHS `Type` is the
||| result type, Idris makes these easier to define than Haskell but this approach
||| maps to the pattern of lifting ADT
||| with DataKinds and using GADT/Sing to map these back to `Type`
data MessagePID : (iface : reqType -> Type) -> Type where
MkMessage : PID -> MessagePID iface
public export
NoRecv : Void -> Type
NoRecv = const Void
public export
data ProcState = Ready | Sent | Looping
Respond | | Loop
Ready -------> Sent --------> Looping
||| payload type is the second type variable (after interface)
public export
data Process : (iface : reqType -> Type) ->
Type -> ProcState -> ProcState -> Type where
||| Given service process and request message
||| returns paload as defined by service_iface, does not change state
Request : MessagePID service_iface ->
(msg : service_reqType) ->
Process iface (service_iface msg) st st
||| CPS handler returns Process in in Ready state, iface is not specified but
||| iface (iface msg) is contrained, intersting this can be used with Pure
||| Note: `Ready Ready` in CPS input works with Pure and Action
Respond : ((msg : reqType) -> Process iface (iface msg) Ready Ready) ->
Process iface (Maybe reqType) st Sent
||| see below (`Service iface a = Process iface a Ready Looping`)
||| given a service returns (maybe) process handle to it
Spawn : Process service_iface () Ready Looping ->
Process iface (Maybe (MessagePID service_iface)) st st
||| used by service to loop (note moves from Ready to Sent to provide
||| extra type safety while still allows to chain after any Respond
||| keeping Ready as starting state, see (>>=))
||| This basically allows server to be coded as `server = Respond (...) >> Loop server`
Loop : Inf (Process iface a Ready Looping) ->
Process iface a Sent Looping
||| Encodes IO as process
Action : IO a -> Process iface a st st
Pure : a -> Process iface a st st
(>>=) : Process iface a st1 st2 -> (a -> Process iface b st2 st3) ->
Process iface b st1 st3
public export
data Fuel = Dry | More (Lazy Fuel)
export partial
forever : Fuel
forever = More forever
export total
run : Fuel -> Process iface t in_state out_state -> IO (Maybe t)
run fuel (Request {service_iface} (MkMessage process) msg)
= do Just chan <- connect process
| _ => pure Nothing
ok <- unsafeSend chan msg
if ok then do Just x <- unsafeRecv (service_iface msg) chan
| Nothing => pure Nothing
pure (Just x)
else pure Nothing
run fuel (Respond {reqType} calc)
= do Just sender <- listen 1
| Nothing => pure (Just Nothing)
Just msg <- unsafeRecv reqType sender
| Nothing => pure (Just Nothing)
Just res <- run fuel (calc msg)
| Nothing => pure Nothing
unsafeSend sender res
pure (Just (Just msg))
run (More fuel) (Loop proc) = run fuel proc
run fuel (Spawn proc) = do Just pid <- spawn (do run fuel proc
pure ())
| Nothing => pure (Just Nothing)
pure (Just (Just (MkMessage pid)))
run fuel (Action act) = do res <- act
pure (Just res)
run fuel (Pure val) = pure (Just val)
run fuel (act >>= next) = do Just x <- run fuel act
| Nothing => pure Nothing
run fuel (next x)
run Dry _ = pure Nothing
public export
Service : (iface : reqType -> Type) -> Type -> Type
Service iface a = Process iface a Ready Looping
public export
Client : Type -> Type
Client a = Process NoRecv a Ready Ready
partial export
runProc : Process iface () in_state out_state -> IO ()
runProc proc = do run forever proc
pure ()
I have implemented somewhat close (simplified) equivalents to Idris' System.Concurrency.Channels
included in this project.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell
, KindSignatures
, DataKinds
, PolyKinds
, TypeFamilies
, ScopedTypeVariables
, TypeSynonymInstances
, StandaloneDeriving
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-unused-imports #-}
module Part3.Sec15a_ProcessLib where
import Control.Concurrent.Primitives
-- ^ implemented in this package to mimic Idris' Channels primitives
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Singletons.TH
import Data.SingBased.Nat
import Prelude (Show(..)) -- because I was lazy
import Protolude hiding (Nat, forever, show)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
Fuel boilerplate to mimic Idris (without any totality assurances, of course):
data Fuel = Dry | More Fuel
forever :: Fuel
forever = More forever
Process library type definitions (DSL definitions) are very similar to Idris,
I use singletons
when I need arguments that are both value level and type level.
-- type ProcIface reqType = reqType -> Type
data MessagePID (iface :: reqType -> Type) where
MkMessagePID :: PID -> MessagePID iface
data ProcState = Ready | Sent | Looping
-- flipped payload type from second position (in Idris version) to the end
-- making it look more like traditional monad notation
data Process (iface :: reqType -> Type) (inState:: ProcState) (outState :: ProcState) a where
Request :: MessagePID service_iface ->
Sing msg ->
Process iface st st (service_iface msg)
Respond :: (Sing msg -> Process iface Ready Ready (iface msg)) ->
Process iface st Sent (Maybe (Sing msg))
Spawn :: Process service_iface Ready Looping () ->
Process iface st st (Maybe (MessagePID service_iface))
Loop :: Process iface Ready Looping a ->
Process iface Sent Looping a
Action :: IO a -> Process iface st st a
UnsafeTest :: IO a -> Process iface st1 st2 a
Pure :: a -> Process iface st st a
(:>>=) :: Process iface st1 st2 a -> (a -> Process iface st2 st3 b) ->
Process iface st1 st3 b
infixl 1 :>>=
(>>:) :: Process iface st1 st2 a
-> Process iface st2 st3 b
-> Process iface st1 st3 b
(>>:) m k = m :>>= \ _ -> k
infixl 1 >>:
data NoRecv (v :: Void) where
type Service iface a = Process iface 'Ready 'Looping a
type Client a = Process NoRecv Ready Ready a
Interpreter definition follows.
Idris has a nice exit syntax for Nothing
maybe cases.
This uses the transformer MaybeT instead to avoid boilerplate.
runT :: MonadIO m => MVar [Channel] -> Fuel -> Process iface in_state out_state t -> MaybeT m t
runT mchs _ (Request (MkMessagePID pid) smsg)
= do chan <- MaybeT . liftIO . connect mchs $ pid
liftIO $ unsafeSend chan smsg
x <- liftIO $ unsafeRecv chan
pure x
runT mchs fuel (Respond calc) = do
channel <- MaybeT . liftIO . listen $ mchs
msg <- liftIO $ unsafeRecv channel
res <- runT mchs fuel (calc msg)
liftIO $ unsafeSend channel res
pure (Just $ msg)
runT mchs (More fuel) (Loop proc) = runT mchs fuel proc
runT mchs fuel (Spawn proc) = do
pid <- liftIO $ spawn mchs (
do runMaybeT $ runT mchs fuel proc
pure ())
pure ((Just (MkMessagePID pid)))
runT _ _ (Action act) = do
res <- liftIO act
pure res
runT _ _ (UnsafeTest act) = do
res <- liftIO act
pure res
runT _ _ (Pure val) = pure val
runT mchs fuel (act :>>= next) = runT mchs fuel act >>= runT mchs fuel . next
runT _ Dry _ = MaybeT . pure $ Nothing
run :: Fuel -> Process iface in_state out_state t -> IO (Maybe t)
run fuel p = (newMVar []) >>= (\mchs -> runMaybeT $ runT mchs fuel p)
Simple test example to see that it works. ListAction
example is in the next note.
It is worth noting that implementing kind iface :: reqType -> Type
is not as elegant
as in Idris. (see next note for more discussion).
-- test example
$(singletons [d|
data NatAction = PlusA Nat Nat | ReplayA Nat deriving Show
deriving instance Show (SNatAction a)
data NatActionType :: NatAction -> Type where
PlusAT :: Nat -> NatActionType ('PlusA n m)
-- ^ 'n' 'm' are picked automatically by compiler
ReplayAT :: Nat -> NatActionType ('ReplayA n)
-- ^ 'n' is picked automatically by compiler
deriving instance Show (NatActionType a)
serviceNatAction :: Service NatActionType ()
serviceNatAction = Respond (\msg -> case msg of
SPlusA m n ->
Pure $ PlusAT $ (fromSing m) `plus` (fromSing n)
SReplayA n ->
Pure $ ReplayAT (fromSing n))
>>: Loop serviceNatAction
clientNatAction :: Client ()
clientNatAction =
Spawn serviceNatAction :>>= (\natProcessorJ ->
case natProcessorJ of
Just natProcessor ->
Request natProcessor (SReplayA s4) :>>= (\res -> Action (print $ res)) >>:
Request natProcessor (SPlusA s4 s1) :>>= (\res -> Action (print $ res))
Nothing -> Action (putStrLn "failed")
ghci (contains a tracing message I added in spawn
*Part3.Sec15a_ProcessLib> run (More $ More Dry) clientNatAction
New thread created ThreadId 273
ReplayAT (S (S (S (S Z))))
PlusAT (S (S (S (S (S Z)))))
Just ()