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Source idr program: /src/Play/RankN.idr
Source lhs program: /src/Play/RankN.lhs
Rank-n types are a very interesting Haskell language capability. Is Idris capable of supporting rank-n? This note shows Haskell code first. Matching Idris' code follows.
I want to share this pragmatic intuition about rank-n types.
Rank-n is about understanding the very nature of parametric polymorphism.
Logicians and PLT theorists refer to it as System F or Girard–Reynolds type system.
Great reference with theoretical background: TAPL book, chapter 23 Universal Types
Polymorphic functions such as id :: forall a . a -> a
can be used by caller
with any type a
. The implementation, however, cannot assume anything about a
(In lambda calculus terms - system F terms - as a caller
I want to be able to apply a given type (say Int
) to type level expression
forall a. T(a)
resulting in T(Int)
I want to be able to make such polymorphism first class, for example, I want polymorphic functions to be valid function arguments. I want to be able to define function types using polymorphic building blocks. Here is an example:
example :: (forall a. a -> a) -> String
This is exactly what 'System F' and rank-n is about.
SideNote: A native approach would be to define
naive :: forall a . (a -> a) -> String
Such defined native
does not restrict it argument to only polymorphic functions,
rather it is itself polymorphic.
This complies just fine:
fInt :: Int -> Int
fInt = (+1)
wrong = naive idInt
and since the caller can make arbitrary decision about a
the implementation cannot
(these will not compile:)
naive f = f "hello" -- compilation error
naive f = show . f $ (1 :: Int) -- compilation error
What we want is exactly the opposite!
This inversion of control is reminiscent of existential quantification and is
often used in Haskell for exactly this purpose (like in STMonad runST
This type application on a function argument (implementation specifies/restricts type on polymorphic input argument) translates on high level to this algebraic rule (maybe not very formally correct) :
(forall x. T x) -> a
reduces to:
exists x . T x -> a
End SideNote
It turns out that types with polymorphic building blocks are not easy to
implement and it is good to know where the polymorphic
building blocks are placed.
The question is 'how negative' these positions are.
Side Note: In the context of rank-n I like to think that:
In a -> b
is in negative position b
in positive.
In (a -> b) -> c
has positive position, a
and b
are in negative.
has even more negative position than b
Enter ranked types.
Rank-n types allow localized type variable quantification,
identifies how negative is the position where the quantifier can be placed.
Quoting TAPL book (see reference above):
"A type is said to be of rank 2 if no path from its root to a∀ quantifier passes
to the left of 2 or more arrows, when the type is drawn as a tree."
This definition generalizes to ranks higher than 2 hence the rank-n term.
Type checker can get in trouble with things like type reconstruction (inference) (which is undecidable for rank > 2).
(Edit 2020/05/11)
Haskell has a limited support for what is called impredicative polymorphism.
This has to do with type inference. Basically polymorphic functions are not
first class in Haskell.
(see impredicative in ghc user guide).
There is an ImpredicativeTypes
pragma but it is supposed to be not good.
There are good workaround for these issues (creating wrapping types for polymorphic functions, and annotating types (e.g. using TypeApplications
helps with the problems).
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Play.RankN where
-- type application example (rank 2)
example2 :: (forall a . a -> a) -> (Int, String)
example2 f = (f 2, f "hello")
testExample2 = example2 id
-- | another rank 2 example
example2' :: (forall a . a -> a) -> Int
-- this will not compile:
-- Couldn't match type ‘a0 -> a0’ with ‘forall a. a -> a’
-- example2' = fst . example2
-- neither will this:
-- example2' f = fst . example2 $ f
example2' f = fst (example2 f)
testExample2' = example2' id
-- | rank 3 example (note caller and implementation are again reversed)
example3 :: ((forall a . a -> a) -> Int) -> String
-- ghc has problems compiling:
-- example3 f = show . f $ id
example3 f = show (f id)
testExample3 = example3 example2'
and these will not compile (as expected)
badTestExample2 = example2 (++ "") --^ (++ "") :: String -> Strings
example3 f = show (f (++ "")) --^ (++ "") :: String -> Strings
Note example3
implementation uses ad-hoc show
that is not valid for all types.
This generalizes System F type application to typeclass constraints.
*Play.RankN> testExample2
*Play.RankN> testExample2'
*Play.RankN> testExample3
Idris can use
implicit type arguments
to accomplish equivalent functionality.
Note Idris does not seem to have the same problems as Haskell does.
module Play.RankN
example2 : ({a : Type} -> a -> a) -> (Int, String)
example2 f = (f 2, f "hello")
example2' : ({a : Type} -> a -> a) -> Int
example2' = fst . example2
-- also compiles and works fine
-- example2' f = fst . example2 $ f
example3 : (({a : Type} -> a -> a) -> Int) -> String
example3 f = show . f $ id
idris repl:
*Play/RankN> example2 id
(2, "hello") : (Int, String)
*Play/RankN> example3 example2'
"2" : String