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Source idr program: /src/Part3/Sec14b_ATM.idr
Source lhs program: /src/Part3/Sec14b_ATM.lhs
This program is about converting a powerful dependently typed state machine pattern to Haskell. The pattern is about defining a DSL with instructions parameterized by startState and a function that evaluates computation result producing endState
Dsl : (res : Type) -> DslState -> (res -> DslState) -> Type
and providing monad-like binding that enforces that endState of a step matches the beginState of the next.
Pure : (res : ty) -> Dsl ty (state_fn res) state_fn
(>>=) : Dsl a state1 state2_fn ->
((res : a) -> Dsl b (state2_fn res) state3_fn) ->
Dsl b state1 state3_fn
module Part3.Sec14b_ATM
import Data.Vect
data ATMState = Ready | CardInserted | Session
data PINCheck = CorrectPIN | IncorrectPIN
PIN : Type
PIN = Vect 4 Char
data HasCard : ATMState -> Type where
HasCI : HasCard CardInserted
HasSession : HasCard Session
data ATMCmd : (res : Type) -> ATMState -> (res -> ATMState) -> Type where
InsertCard : ATMCmd () Ready (const CardInserted)
EjectCard : {auto prf : HasCard state} ->
ATMCmd () state (const Ready)
GetPIN : ATMCmd PIN CardInserted (const CardInserted)
CheckPIN : PIN -> ATMCmd PINCheck CardInserted
(\check => case check of
CorrectPIN => Session
IncorrectPIN => CardInserted)
GetAmount : ATMCmd Nat state (const state)
Dispense : (amount : Nat) -> ATMCmd () Session (const Session)
Message : String -> ATMCmd () state (const state)
Pure : (res : ty) -> ATMCmd ty (state_fn res) state_fn
(>>=) : ATMCmd a state1 state2_fn ->
((res : a) -> ATMCmd b (state2_fn res) state3_fn) ->
ATMCmd b state1 state3_fn
readVect : (n : Nat) -> IO (Vect n Char)
readVect Z = do discard <- getLine -- rest of input up to enter
pure []
readVect (S k) = do ch <- getChar
chs <- readVect k
pure (ch :: chs)
testPIN : Vect 4 Char
testPIN = ['1', '2', '3', '4']
insertEject : ATMCmd () Ready (const Ready)
insertEject = do InsertCard
EjectCard -- ?insertEject_rhs
atm : ATMCmd () Ready (const Ready)
atm = do InsertCard
pin <- GetPIN
Message "Checking Card"
pinOK <- CheckPIN pin
case pinOK of
CorrectPIN => do cash <- GetAmount
Dispense cash
Message "Please remove your card and cash"
IncorrectPIN => do EjectCard
Message "Incorrect PIN. Please remove your card and cash"
runATM : ATMCmd res instate outstate_fn -> IO res
runATM InsertCard = do putStrLn "Please insert your card (press enter)"
x <- getLine
pure ()
runATM EjectCard = putStrLn "Card ejected"
runATM GetPIN = do putStr "Enter PIN: "
readVect 4
runATM (CheckPIN pin) = if pin == testPIN
then pure CorrectPIN
else pure IncorrectPIN
runATM GetAmount = do putStr "How much would you like? "
x <- getLine
pure (cast x)
runATM (Dispense amount) = putStrLn ("Here is " ++ show amount)
runATM (Message msg) = putStrLn msg
runATM (Pure res) = pure res
runATM (x >>= f) = do x' <- runATM x
runATM (f x')
:exec runATM atm
I am using Unsafe.Coerce
. This is probably hard to do without it.
The unsafeCoerce
is needed to transform the bind (:>>=
) part of DSL to IO
(see the comment below).
I am also simplifying things and using Nat
to define pin
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell
, KindSignatures
, DataKinds
, PolyKinds
, TypeInType
, TypeOperators
, TypeFamilies
, StandaloneDeriving
, UndecidableInstances
, ScopedTypeVariables
module Part3.Sec14b_ATM where
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Singletons.TH
import Data.Promotion.TH
import Data.Singletons.Prelude
import Data.SingBased.Vect
import Data.SingBased.Nat
import Unsafe.Coerce -- needed in binding DSL to IO
import Control.Exception
{- to keep everything singleton I need singleton Unit too-}
$(singletons [d|
data ATMState = Ready | CardInserted | Session
data PINCheck = CorrectPIN | IncorrectPIN
data Unit = MkUnit
$(promote [d|
checkPin :: PINCheck -> ATMState
checkPin CorrectPIN = Session
checkPin IncorrectPIN = CardInserted
{- simplified one char numeric pin -}
type PIN = Nat
readPIN :: IO (SomeSing PIN)
readPIN = readNat
readNat :: IO (SomeSing Nat)
readNat = do x <- getLine
let mxi = readMaybe x :: Maybe Integer
case mxi of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn $"Invalid entry " ++ show x ++ " try again"
Just xi -> do
let xn = integerToNat xi
return $ withSomeSing xn SomeSing
readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
readMaybe s = case reads s of
[(val, "")] -> Just val
_ -> Nothing
testPIN = SS (SS SZ)
data HasCard (s :: ATMState) where
HasCI :: HasCard CardInserted
HasSession :: HasCard Session
data ATMCmd (res :: k) (s :: ATMState) (f :: k ~> ATMState) where
InsertCard :: ATMCmd 'MkUnit 'Ready (ConstSym1 'CardInserted)
{- Idris can use auto-implicit here -}
EjectCard :: HasCard state ->
ATMCmd 'MkUnit state (ConstSym1 'Ready)
GetPIN :: ATMCmd (p :: PIN) 'CardInserted (ConstSym1 'CardInserted)
CheckPIN :: forall (p :: PIN) (check :: PINCheck) .
Sing p -> ATMCmd check 'CardInserted CheckPinSym0
GetAmount :: ATMCmd (n :: Nat) state (ConstSym1 state)
Dispense :: SNat n -> ATMCmd 'MkUnit 'Session (ConstSym1 'Session)
Message :: String -> ATMCmd 'MkUnit state (ConstSym1 state)
Pure :: forall (res :: k) (state_fn :: k ~> ATMState). Sing res -> ATMCmd res (state_fn @@ res) state_fn
{- note this has to be cross-kind! -}
(:>>=) :: forall (a :: k1) (b :: k2) (state1 :: ATMState) (state2_fn :: k1 ~> ATMState) (state3_fn :: k2 ~> ATMState).
ATMCmd a state1 state2_fn ->
(Sing a -> ATMCmd b (state2_fn @@ a) state3_fn) ->
ATMCmd b state1 state3_fn
(>>:) :: forall k (a :: k1) (b :: k2) (state1 :: ATMState) (state2_fn :: k1 ~> ATMState) (state3_fn :: k2 ~> ATMState).
ATMCmd a state1 state2_fn
-> ATMCmd b (state2_fn @@ a) state3_fn
-> ATMCmd b state1 state3_fn
(>>:) m k = m :>>= \ _ -> k
Note that (:>>=)
goes across kinds. This is important because it limits the domain scope
of type level state functions as well as the domain scope of Sing a
(it increases type precision).
Note that DSL definition becames more complex with the use of singletons
GADT-zed type level
functions (~>
and @@
) and 'symbols'.
type (~>) a b = TyFun a b -> Type
type (@@) (a :: k1 ~> k) (b :: k1) = Apply a b :: k
In particular, these are needed for type level partial application. Haskell type families do not allow for partial application.
Here is how the DSL is used:
insertEject :: ATMCmd 'MkUnit 'Ready (ConstSym1 'Ready)
insertEject = InsertCard >>: EjectCard HasCI
atm :: ATMCmd 'MkUnit 'Ready (ConstSym1 'Ready)
atm = InsertCard >>: GetPIN :>>=
(\ pin -> Message "Checking Card" >>:
CheckPIN pin) :>>=
(\ pinOK -> case pinOK of
SCorrectPIN -> GetAmount :>>= (\ cash ->
Dispense cash >>:
EjectCard HasSession >>:
Message "Please remove your card and cash"
SIncorrectPIN -> EjectCard HasCI >>:
Message "Incorrect PIN. Please remove your card and cash"
The interpreter:
ioUnit :: IO (SomeSing Unit)
ioUnit = return $ SomeSing SMkUnit
runATM :: forall (res :: k) instate outstate_fn. ATMCmd res instate outstate_fn -> IO (SomeSing k)
runATM InsertCard = do putStrLn "Please insert your card (press enter)"
x <- getLine
runATM (EjectCard _) =
do putStrLn "Card ejected"
runATM GetPIN =
do putStr "Enter PIN: "
runATM (CheckPIN pin) =
if fromSing pin == fromSing testPIN
then return $ SomeSing SCorrectPIN
else return $ SomeSing SIncorrectPIN
runATM GetAmount =
do putStr "How much would you like? "
runATM (Dispense amount) =
do putStrLn ("Here is " ++ show amount)
runATM (Message msg) =
do putStrLn msg
runATM (Pure res) = return $ SomeSing res
The case match on :>>=
constructor is where I need unsafeCoerce
This should be safe because I am mapping a stricter definitions of
ATMCmd (res::k)
DSL to looser IO (SomeSing k)
TODO Maybe using something like a Tapeable
would give me some way to do
type equality proofs here?? At this time, I DUNNO.
runATM (x :>>= f) =
do ax <- runATM x
case ax of
SomeSing sax -> runATM (f $ unsafeCoerce sax)
*Part3.Sec14b_ATM Data.Singletons.Prelude> runATM atm
Please insert your card (press enter)
Enter PIN: 2
Checking Card
How much would you like? 5
Here is S (S (S (S (S Z))))
Card ejected
Please remove your card and cash
*Part3.Sec14b_ATM Data.Singletons.Prelude> runATM atm
Please insert your card (press enter)
Enter PIN: 5
Checking Card
Card ejected
Incorrect PIN. Please remove your card and cash