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BadgeP Format

Tim L edited this page Oct 31, 2021 · 6 revisions


A file format that encodes attribute-value pairs in a manner that conforms to both Bash and Java Properties syntax.


#3> <> dcterms:format <> .
#3> <>
#3>   <prov:wasDerivedFrom <>,
#3>      <> .

Recommended file extension

.properties to follow suit with the Java half; the first line declares itself as #!/bin/bash to complete the hybrid.

Naming brainstorm

  • ambiguously bash java properties bava pjash bajp
  • Bash Ambiguously Java Properties
  • Bash Ambiguously As Java Properties (BaaJP)
  • "badge-p" A file format
  • BFP: "Badge P Format"
  • BFP: "BaaJ P Format"

See also

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