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Vocabulary conversion:Enhancements
- The
enhancement applies when the conversion:range isrdfs:Resource
, since the cell value most be a URI before it can be typed to a class.
This page describes how to type converted instances to external classes using the conversion:subclass_of
The URIs for classes created for during conversion are "internal" to the dataset's vocabulary. This is done to avoid premature collisions with other similar terms with different meanings and representation intentions. A Subclass enhancement types instances to classes from more popular ontologies in addition to the default typing to an internal class.
The subclass enhancement can be applied to classes created by implicit bundles (see #Implicit column bundle resource promotion).
e.g., Dataset 1350
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
@prefix wgs: <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#> .
@prefix conversion: <http://purl.org/twc/vocab/conversion/> .
@prefix : <http://logd.tw.rpi.edu/source/data-gov/dataset/1350/version/2009-May-18/params/enhancement/1/> .
:dataset a void:Dataset;
conversion:base_uri "http://logd.tw.rpi.edu"^^xsd:anyURI;
conversion:source_identifier "data-gov";
conversion:dataset_identifier "1350";
conversion:dataset_version "2009-May-18";
conversion:conversion_process [
a conversion:RawConversionProcess;
conversion:enhancement_identifier "1";
conversion:subject_discriminator "appe-app-e";
conversion:enhance [
ov:csvCol 1;
ov:csvHeader "Licensee";
conversion:label "Licensee";
conversion:range rdfs:Resource;
conversion:range_name "Licensee";
conversion:enhance [
conversion:class_name "Licensee";
conversion:subclass_of foaf:Organization;
conversion:enhance [
ov:csvCol 2;
ov:csvHeader "Location";
conversion:label "Location";
conversion:range rdfs:Resource;
conversion:range_name "Location";
conversion:enhance [
conversion:class_name "Location";
conversion:subclass_of wgs:SpatialThing;
@prefix raw: <http://logd.tw.rpi.edu/source/data-gov/dataset/1350/vocab/raw/> .
@prefix ds1350-appe-app-e: <http://logd.tw.rpi.edu/source/data-gov/dataset/1350/appe-app-e/version/2009-May-18/> .
raw:licensee "Aerotest" ;
raw:location "San Ramon, CA" .
@prefix e1: <http://logd.tw.rpi.edu/source/data-gov/dataset/1350/vocab/enhancement/1/> .
@prefix ds1350_vocab: <http://logd.tw.rpi.edu/source/data-gov/dataset/1350/vocab/> .
@prefix value_of_licensee: <http://logd.tw.rpi.edu/source/data-gov/dataset/1350/appe-app-e/value-of/licensee/> .
@prefix value_of_location: <http://logd.tw.rpi.edu/source/data-gov/dataset/1350/appe-app-e/value-of/location/> .
e1:licensee typed_licensee:Aerotest ;
e1:location typed_location:San_Ramon_CA .
a ds1350_vocab:Licensee, foaf:Organization ;
rdfs:label "Aerotest" .
a ds1350_vocab:Location, wgs:SpatialThing ;
rdfs:label "San Ramon, CA" .
The conversion:domain_name
and conversion:range_name
properties provide the local label names to create two classes:
The conversion:class_name
property cites the local label name of the class that should be subclassed.
Classes present in the internal dataset namespace are created using when using the properties: conv:domain_name (via #Subject type parameter) conv:range_name (via #Typed resource promotion parameter) conv:type_name (via #Implicit column bundle resource promotion parameter)
Datasets with enhancements that subclass their local classes to more commonly acknowledged classes (results):
prefix conversion: <http://purl.org/twc/vocab/conversion/>
select distinct ?source ?dataset ?version ?local ?super
where {
graph <http://purl.org/twc/vocab/conversion/ConversionProcess> {
conversion:source_identifier ?source;
conversion:dataset_identifier ?dataset;
conversion:conversion_process [
conversion:enhancement_identifier ?e;
conversion:enhance [
conversion:class_name ?local;
conversion:subclass_of ?super
optional {?layer conversion:dataset_version ?version}
optional {?layer conversion:version_identifier ?version}
} order by ?super ?local ?source ?dataset ?version