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Tim L edited this page May 23, 2013 · 24 revisions

What is first

  • Setting the CSV2RDF4LOD_BASE_URI environment variable is essential because it provides the base for all URIs that csv2rdflod creates. See Conversion process phase: name for the "source-dataset-version" naming convention and how it is situated within CSV2RDF4LOD_BASE_URI.
  • (this page) is the default value for CSV2RDF4LOD_BASE_URI and should always be changed to your project's base URI.

What we will cover

When, why, and how to set CSV2RDF4LOD_BASE_URI. In short:

  • When? Always.
  • Why? Because you're making Linked Data, and csv2rdf4lod needs to know where your URIs should live.
  • How? export or source.

Let's get to it!

Shell environment variable

CSV2RDF4LOD_BASE_URI is a shell environment variable. It can be set using export on the command line:


The command above can also be placed in a file and source'd:

echo 'export CSV2RDF4LOD_BASE_URI=""' >>

See Script: source for more about preserving and maintaining the values of CSV2RDF4LOD_BASE_URI or any of the other CSV2RDF4LOD environment variables. As described in Script: source, you can use the file, which is created for during installation, to change the value of any environment variable. Then, just source this file once at log in (e.g., in your ~/.bashrc).

Base URIs that have been used by different projects:

Used When Generating Enhancement Parameters

The value of the CSV2RDF4LOD_BASE_URI shell environment variable is used when generating enhancement parameters, which appear in the conversion cockpit's manual/ directory. For example, manual/filers.csv.e1.params.ttl contains the value "":

   a conversion:LayerDataset, void:Dataset;

   conversion:base_uri           ""^^xsd:anyURI;

Once an enhancement parameters file is created, csv2rdf4lod-automation never modifies it again. If your conversion:base_uri is incorrect, you need to change it yourself. So, set CSV2RDF4LOD_BASE_URI correctly from the onset of your project.

Needed by bin/ needs CSV2RDF4LOD_BASE_URI to be set so that it can produce the dataset URI. If the variable is not set, it returns the URL of this wiki section.

Needed when publishing

CSV2RDF4LOD_BASE_URI is also needed when [publishing](Conversion process phase: publish), since it needs to create the URLs of dump files and assert provenance/metadata about the publishing process.

What is next

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