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Enhancement pattern: adding units to measurements

Timothy Lebo edited this page Feb 14, 2012 · 14 revisions
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Since 1 is the first column, 0 can represent the row.

  @prefix muo: <> .

  conversion:enhance [
     ov:csvCol         0;
     conversion:predicate muo:measuredIn;
     conversion:object    <>;

results in:

@prefix dbpedia: <> .

   a vocab:AgencyBudgetDistribution ;
   muo:measuredIn dbpedia:United_States_dollar ;


row 0 can't stand for all cells in a cell-based conversion because different cells may be measured in different units.

Fortunately, specifying the unit for all cell-based rows is relatively terse:

  conversion:enhance [
     ov:csvCol         4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12;
     conversion:predicate muo:measuredIn;
     conversion:object    <>;

__results in __

     @prefix muo: <> .

     conversion:predicate muo:measuredIn;
     conversion:object    <>;


   muo:measuredIn <> .

See also conversion:predicate and conversion:object.

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