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timrdf edited this page Sep 22, 2012 · 31 revisions

What is first

  • Most of the terms in the conversion: vocabulary are conversion:Enhancements, but some terms are annotations that are created during the conversion. conversion:uses_predicate is one of those annotations.

What we will cover

This page will cover what the conversion:uses_predicate property describes, and a bit of background on how it is computed.

Let's get to it!

If two datasets use the same vocabulary, then there is a good chance that it will be worthwhile to combine them to get more interesting results. The conversion:uses_predicate property annotates void:Datasets with the RDF predicates that appear in the dataset's triples. For example, if the dataset contains the triples:

@prefix vcard: <> .
@prefix prov:  <> .

   prov:specializationOf  <> ;
   vcard:organization-name "Southeast Alabama Medical Center" ;
   vcard:adr <http://localhost/source/hub-healthdata-gov/provider/010001/address> ;
   prov:atLocation dbpedia:Houston_County .

then the following triple is informs us that the dataset uses the predicate:

   conversion:uses_predicate prov:specializationOf, vcard:organization-name, vard:adr, prov:atLocation .


Looking at dataset hub-healthdata-gov/hospital-compare

rapper -g -o ntriples publish/hub-healthdata-gov-hospital-compare-2012-Jul-17.e1.ttl | awk '{print $2}' | sort -u > manual/e1-predicates.csv
rapper -g -o ntriples publish/hub-healthdata-gov-hospital-compare-2012-Jul-17.void.ttl | awk '$2 == "<>"{print $3}' | sort -u > manual/uses-predicate.csv
diff -y -W 250 manual/uses-predicate.csv manual/e1-predicates.csv

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