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Brian Haas edited this page Jun 15, 2018 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the Berlin 2018 Trinity Workshop Wiki!

Student AWS Instances Table


Day Time Activities
Monday, June 11 morning Workshop Introduction -slides-
Exploring the Computational Infrastructure -slides-
afternoon Unix command-line review
Data overview and setup
Using FASTQC and Trimmomatic -slides-
Tuesday, June 12 morning Trinity de novo transcriptome assembly -slides-
afternoon Uploading own data or identifying and downloading SRA studies of interest -slides-
Running Trinity on your own data
Wednesday, June 13 morning Expression quantification -slides-
Quality assessment for assembly -slides-
afternoon QC samples and replicates
Thursday, June 14 morning Statistical methods for differential expression analysis -slides- -extra slides (Charlotte Soneson)-
afternoon Transcript clustering and expression profiling
Methods for functional annotation -slides-
Trinotate and TrinotateWeb
7pm Dinner @ Golgatha, Katzbachstraße, Berlin
Friday, June 15 morning Special Topics: Gene Set Enrichment Analysis and Inference in Biological Networks -GSEA slides- -Network slides-
Independent work on personal project data
afternoon Continued independent work on personal project data
Participant presentations
Downloading your data from the workshop cloud server
Running the Workshop Software via Docker Locally

Suggested readings and resources:

Misc notes

For those with mixed samples, please explore methods for selecting or depleting sequences based on target alignments


"Get that linux feeling ... on windows" cygwin: