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update site

UrsZeidler edited this page Apr 26, 2015 · 1 revision


With the 0.1.8 release we introduce the updatesite mechanism build in the eclipse rich platform frame work. We provide an official updatesite at , which is build in and can be used to fetch the offical updates.


In the preferences you can schedule the update. Scheduling automatic updates

Currently a new version will not picked up by this mechanism so you need to pull the update manually. With install new software.

A manually update is done by choosing the install new software menu, as the software depends on some basic packages you should check these first: we depend on the emf commons feature. install-emf-commons You don't need to restart the application when you install the

After installing the acual version you can update the shr5rcp plugins: install-shr5rcp After that install you should restart like your'e ask to.

When you update from 0.2.6 or prev. to 0.2.7 or higher you might want to change the file run_shr.ini and remove the start parameter -data to enable the workspace selection.

install new software

With the update mechanism we enable also so possible to install new software. As the eclipse framework is a rich ecosystem there might be software you want to install other software.

For detail information see :

Updating the installation Installing new software

Uninstalling software (aka uninstalling features)

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