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Manipulating images
The following commands assuming you have an imagic stack.
[Binning particles in a stack] (https://github.com/temproconsulting/Manual-processing/wiki/Manipulating-images#binning)
[Change box size of particles in a stack] (https://github.com/temproconsulting/Manual-processing/wiki/Manipulating-images#changing-box-size)
[Normalizing a particle stack] (https://github.com/temproconsulting/Manual-processing/wiki/Manipulating-images#normalization)
[Filtering a particle stack] (https://github.com/temproconsulting/Manual-processing/wiki/Manipulating-images#filtering)
[Applying a circular mask to the particles] (https://github.com/temproconsulting/Manual-processing/wiki/Manipulating-images#applying-a-circular-mask)
[Remove 'bad' particles from a stack] (https://github.com/temproconsulting/3D-refinement/wiki/Random-Conical-Tilt#extract-particles--edit-particle-stacks)
Use the meanshrink option with proc2d. Works with factors of 2 binning.
proc2d input.img output.img meanshrink=2
- meanshrink=2 Bins stack by a factor of 2
Use the clip=[x],[y] command to make a window around a particle stack smaller.
(Side note: If you want to increase the window size of your particles, you should re-extract your particles from the micrographs with a larger box inside. If you were to use the following method by indicating a larger box size than the input stack, you will get particles that have 0's around the edge of the image.)
proc2d input.img output.img clip=128,128
- clip=128,128 Windows stack to a box size of 128x128
Normalize particle stack to an average value of 0 and a standard deviation of 1:
proc2d input.img output.img norm=0,1
Filter IMAGIC particle stack using a low pass filter of 10 and a high pass filter of 500 with a pixel size of 4.3 A/pix:
proc2d input.img output.img apix=4.3 lp=10 hp=500
Low pass filtering SPIDER particle stack using a low pass filter of 20:
$ spider spi @lowpass_filter_stack .?Input stack?: start .?Number of particles?: 2000 .?Pixel size (A/pix)?: 3.1 .?Input resolution to which the particles will be filtered?: 20
High & Low pass filtering stack while also applying a soft circular mask around particles:
$ /path/to/Manual-Processing/prep_stack_for_2DAlignment.py -i stack_00_sel.img --num=562 --apix=4 --lp=15 --hp=250 --mask=60
- stack.img - input imagic stack
- stack_prep.img - output imagic stack, filtered and masked
- apix=4 - pixel size of images (4 A/ pix in this example)
- hp=250 - high pass filter (Angstroms)
- lp=15 - low pass filter (Angstroms)
- mask=60 - circular mask applied to particles (pixel radius)
Mask particle stack using a mask with a radius of 50 pixels:
proc2d input.img output.img mask=60