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Meeting 2019 07 12

Josh Hursey edited this page Jul 12, 2019 · 1 revision



        Joshua Hursey (IBM)
	Swaroop Pophale (ORNL)
	Michael Karo (Altair)
	Thomas Naughton (ORNL)
	Swen Boehm (ORNL)
	Ralph Castain (Intel)
	Anatoliy Rozanov (Intel)
	Danielle Sikich (Intel)
	Jim Garlick (LLNL)
	Kathryn Mohror (LLNL)
	Stephen Herbein (LLNL)
	Dave Solt (IBM)
  • PR:
    • Comment regarding “Optional”/”Required” in relationship with “Provisional”/”Stable”. They are mixed which can be confusing so needs some review.
    • Straw poll - should there be a minimal level of participation before the poll is ‘closed’ or ‘valid’?
      • Tracking specific participation through emoji is tedious
      • It’s the author's responsibility to promote the PR and review of it by the community.
      • Resolution - keep it the way it is (no formal participation requirement).
    • Clarify “First Pass” means “First Vote Passed” in “Elevation to Stable status” section
    • After a “Pushed Back” if the authors create a new PR then they must link back to the old PR to join the old conversation with the new conversation.
    • Deprecation PR - label what is going to go away.
      • Second Removal PR - actually remove text from the document
    • Include high-level summary steps (from a comment in PR) into the document for quick reference
  • (Dave) Working group update: Implementation agnostic document
    • Still working through the first chapter
    • Next meeting: Tuesday, July 16
  • (Stephen) Working group update: Slicing/Grouping of functionality
    • Working through RFCs - 5 RFCs to cover
    • Next meeting: Wednesday, July 17
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