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Meeting 2024 02 08

Aurelien Bouteiller edited this page Mar 13, 2024 · 2 revisions


Next PMIx ASC Monthly Meeting:
 * Mar. 14, 2024

PMIx ASC Q2 2024 Meeting (Format: virtual)
 * May. 7 & 9, 2024 (10 am - 1 pm US Central)
   * Apr. 9: Announcement deadline
   * Apr. 23: 2 week freeze deadline on all PR changes (shortened to account for holiday season)


Person Institution
Aurelien Bouteiller UTK
Ralph H Castain self
Kathryn Mohror LLNL
Norbert Eicker JSC
Ken Raffenetti ANL



  • Open Positions: Secretary seat is available
  • Added label “Awaiting Implementation” or similar and add to publish-lookup ticket
  • Wait and see how HPFS will evolve, inventory of assets ongoing
  • Progress on websites redesign

PMIx v4.2

  • Plan for finalization/announcement
  • TODO we intend to go for this, review and prepare for release.

PMIx v5.1

  • PR creating 5.1 series merged

PR ongoing work (to discuss in 24Q2?)

Working Groups


  • Dave to decide if the WG can take on the task about adding/linking examples to the use-cases, make use-cases more prominent, make use-cases have something about server-side WG going through chapters, we discussed the Log function and some unclear text w.r.t. which directives go in which of the two info params


  • Meeting info was incorrect for the monthly and many could not join, TODO contact Isaias to see what is the status

Call for new WGs

General discussion items PMIx BoF SC24, keep an ear out for other opportunities to meet the community (SIAM PP?) Open Discussion

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