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Meeting 2023 12 14

Thomas Naughton edited this page Dec 14, 2023 · 2 revisions


Next PMIx ASC Monthly Meeting:
 * Jan. 11, 2023

PMIx ASC 1Q 2024 Meeting (Format: virtual)
 * Jan. 23 & 25, 2023 (10 am - 1 pm US Central)
   * Dec. 24: Announcement deadline
   * Jan. 12: 2 week freeze deadline on all PR changes (shortened to account for holiday season)
   * Call for Office Nominations: Due Jan. 12
  • Finalizing ASC 2Q-4Q dates
    • Proposition:
January Tuesday 23, Thursday 25
May Tuesday 7, Thursday 9
July Tuesday 16, Thursday 18
Oct Tuesday 15, Thursday 17


Person Institution
Aurelien Bouteiller UTK
Josh Hursey IBM
Michael Karo Altair
Norbert Eicker JSC
Kathryn Mohror LLNL
Ken Raffenetti ANL
Ralph Castain Nanook
Tim Wickberg SchedMD
Thomas Naughton ORNL


  • Next PMIx ASC Meetings:
    • Next Monthly: Jan. 11, 2023
    • PMIx ASC 1Q 2024 Meeting (Format: virtual)
      • Jan. 23 & 25, 2023 (10 am - 1 pm US Central)
      • Dec. 24: Announcement deadline
      • Jan. 12: 2 week freeze deadline on all PR changes (shortened to account for holiday season)
      • Call for Office Nominations: Due Jan.
  • Reminder election of new officers
    • Positions: 1 Co-Chair and 1 Co-Secretary seat are available
      • Remark: Would seem to be good to have someone from implementation side for Co-Chair position (see discussion later in agenda)
  • Finalizing ASC 2Q-4Q dates; Proposition:
    • January Tuesday 23, Thursday 25
    • May Tuesday 7, Thursday 9
    • July Tuesday 16, Thursday 18
    • Oct Tuesday 15, Thursday 17
  • PMIx v4.2
  • PMIx v5.1
    • Pr ready for creating 5.1 series
    • A good bit of drift between v5.0 and v5.1
    • Plan is to just try and address those items, no firm timetable at moment but help on resolving these drift items is welcomed
      • See the “Drift: xyz” ticket items in pmix-standard issues
  • Working Groups
    • IAWG:
      • Still on chapter 12
    • Tool/Dynamics:
      • Discussion of issues with the implementation found during implementation of MPI malleability
    • Call for new WGs – no new suggestions
  • Brief review of drift items
    • Triaged items are entered into Issues list with the “Drift:” prefix
    • Note: Not all items identified in scans are needed (e.g., prototyping in openpmix) but once confirmed as gap a new ticket is created.
  • General discussion items
    • New institutional organization between PMIx Standard and Open PMIx?
    • Moving from SPI to HPSF?
    • Open Discussion
    • Q: What is the motivation, or differences, after this proposed change?
      • See slides
      • Reduce some of the organizational separation between the implementation and standard.
      • Intent is to help foster efforts, often from same set of people, be more streamlined in contributions in standard and openpmix efforts
      • Part of the need is to aid the OpenPMIx structure/organization, the bringing in of the implementation under existing PMIx umbrella helps simplify process.
      • Also, from interactions with community there did not appear to be any threat to having others contribute (or alternative implementations) at this point.
      • The gist is to help support a “succession plan”, mainly needing some additional formality/structure to aid OpenPMIx.  So to limit additional overhead, since individuals of two groups have much overlap, the joining of things would help reduce overhead.
      • Comments about increasing the overhead by adding an implementation side of things to PMIx standard org
    • Remark: There is a need to understand the level of support of PMIx, speaking to the gap between standard vs. implementation of capabilities.
      • Note: There is a disconnect between the research & production community.  This results in gaps in perceived need for PMIx capabilities in production environments/products.
    • SPI to HPSF Discussion
      • HPSF announced at SC23, led by Christian Trott & Todd Gamblin
      • In context of OpenPMIx (and PMIx), should we consolidate under HPSF?
      • Some concern about membership/particpant cost$$$
      • Note: Technical participation in projects do not require membership-fee$$.  Membership fees are only to influence the HPSF board.  Many organization in the current call are already in the foundation.  So this may be less critical.
      • MPICH discussed HPSF, currently in a holding pattern
      • Note: Understanding to join HPSF is that project transfers trademark to LinuxFoundation
      • Q: Is there trademark for PMIx or OpenPMIx?
        • There is no registered trademark
        • The only assets are repos, website, domain names and mailing lists.
      • The trademark transfer seems less critical for OpenPMIx/PMIx
      • w.r.t. Open MPI, they do have a registered trademark.  They are currently under SPI and SPI does manage some funds from hitting the “donate” button.
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