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Meeting 2019 08 09

Josh Hursey edited this page Aug 9, 2019 · 2 revisions



        Joshua Hursey (IBM)
	Michael Karo (Altair)
	Ken Raffenetti (ANL)
	Kathryn Mohror (LLNL)
	Geoffroy Vallee (Sylabs Inc)
	Ignacio Laguna (LLNL)
	Martin Schulz (TU Munich)
	Danielle Sikich (Intel)
	Ralph Castain (Intel)
	Thomas Naughton (ORNL)
	Artem Polyakov (Mellanox)
        Stephen Herbein (LLNL)
  • Voting:
    • (Yes/No) Governance document restructuring plan
      • Passed
        • Yes: IBM, Altair, ANL, LLNL, TU Munich, Intel, ORNL, Mellanox
        • Abstain: Sylabs
      • Need “signed off” on commits. This will be worked offline to bring these commits in before the next meeting.
  • October Meeting
    • Doodle: October 17, 11 am - 5 pm US Central Time
    • Agenda:
    • Advertising:
      • Word of mouth
      • OpenHPC community
      • Cloud and Orchestration communities
      • Send to existing standardization bodies (OpenSHMEM, MPI Forum)
      • Maybe an HPCWire article
    • Need some text to send around
      • Need a high level mission statement about functionality, and call for participation.
      • Josh to work on a first draft to circulate for comment.
  • Issue 190 :
    • Push to next week to review the current state of this issue.
  • Discussion: State of PRs for v4 standard release (Fall 2019)
    • You will be seeing some PRs moving through under the ‘old’ governance process. These are items for the v4 standard targeted at release Fall 2019.
  • Discussion: State of current APIs/Attributes (provisional/stable)
    • Suggestion: Label the v4 interfaces as ‘stable’ and the v5 interfaces follow the new governance structure rules for provisional/stable.
      • Under the old goverance for v4 organizations have committed to these interfaces as ‘stable’ based on contracts and long term support commitments.
      • So moving from the (soon to be released) v4 standard to the v5 standard we would label the contents of the v4 standard as ‘stable’
    • Concern about inclusivity of option was expressed.
      • If folks want to change the stable interface then there is a process where old, stable interfaces can be deprecated/removed/replaced.
      • There is overhead to the process, but the overhead is important to sustaining those those are using those interfaces and providing a transition path to new APIs.
    • The discussion turned more broad that this particular topic. We will put this tiem on the agenda for next week to continue discussion.
  • Working groups did not have time to present. They will have first billing next week.
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