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Sprint Planning Meeting 2018 04 18

Erik Moeller edited this page Apr 18, 2018 · 1 revision

Sprint timeframe: 4/18 BOD PDT-5/2 BOD PDT

Participants: Conor, Jen, Emmanuel, Erik, Freddy, Kushal, Heartsucker, Mike, Harris, Josh

0) Mini retro (max 15 minutes)

What did we get done? What do we want to change?

Burndown: Tasks:

Let's also celebrate work beyond the sprint. :)

Feature freeze for 0.7 and beginning of QA is during this sprint. Launch of new is during this sprint.

We'll aim to track release/deploy-related work, but may use placeholder cards to do so. Need to account for it in amount of work we take on.

1) Review our time commitments

Ensure we capture PTO/unusual holidays.

2) Review our tools:

3) Agree on the primary sprint goals.

  • Launch the new
  • Finalize SecureDrop 0.7 features and begin QA

4) Agree on the rules of engagement:

We try to stick to the sprint backlog except for:

  • urgent bug fixes [outage level]
  • urgent security fixes
  • quick (< 1 hour) community PR merges + comments -- alternatively, communicate that PR will be handled next sprint
  • responding to issues

5) Estimate and pick tasks for sprint backlog => screenshare

Consider tasks not in the spreadsheet: bugs, PRs, other urgent issues

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